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Dear D.A Chilsom

It is better to let 10 guilty men go free, than to let one innocent man suffer.  It is rare that you will ever come to a decision under these circumstances that will have so much ramifications for all parties involved.  I can not with good conscious under the information that has been presented so far with this case concede that the death penalty would be used in such a way to hide the truth instead of embrace it.  All the evidence that has come with this case has been recanted by clear majority, and all physical evidence given the circumstances of the conviction does not exist, but the events that led to this one horrific night has a conscious.  The conscious of second thought that one of the many witnesses that recanted and the others that have not, that one of them know the true culprit, and right now you are not able to hear the case again, but you are able to hear equality.

D.A Chilsom, if you was Troy Davis, with all the evidence, testimony, recanted statements, and more that has come out.  Do you think it would be fair to have the death penalty applied to you under the same conditions with the shoes on the other foot, or would you hope throughout all this truth that has spilled out onto the courtroom floors that it would be a glimmer of due diligence to recognize reasonable doubt?  Reasonable doubt has not been created, but it has always existed.   I ask that you give a stay of execution until further review on anything that adds guilt, and if it can not add to it than its no truth to it, and not taketh away of guilt can be amended.  If not, than it is our duty under the law to rectify a injustice.

The Innocence Project and many groups alike have shown a complete transformation to how people have suffered over wrongful convictions.   Maybe its time to let one innocent man not suffer for what 10 guilty ones have done.  The witnesses that recanted their story are just as guilty for the murder of the officer as well as the murder of Troy Davis.  They are accessories to the fact along with the state of murder.

Murder is murder whether the state orders it or not, especially based off the totality of the circumstances in this particular case that a reasonable and competent person, such as a public official, should have known that such actions would be against their oath of office or by a clearly establish law and policy.  There are many that have been convicted, but has been innocent, and proof of that is all over the United States of America.  Their is a clear and establish policy of a statute of murder, and just because you are an official of the public doesn’t give you a pass in this life or the next, to order the murder of a innocent man.  This would be a murder by the state, and justice under these conditions is moot, because the case itself has been tainted and this is the poison that comes from the poisonous tree.  (7 witnesses admit to being that poison that does not bear justice.)

Thank you for your time,

Merle T. Rutledge Jr

“All action and not just words!”

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