
Posts Tagged ‘kelley thorton’

Lol, Besides my marriage, if I was to define true love. It would be Jeremie L Trent and Kelley M Thornton. Through the ups and the downs. They represent everything about the love of God, Family, and Country. Very Republican Values. Also important building blocks of how far love can go. Love is sacrifice and a debt we all continue through life to pay. They definitely in the great song, “I Make you better!” That’s exactly the way I see it! You two make each other better! I have never seen a better match throughout this time. The fight for family and for each other. This is the most treasured gift bestowed only for those that love each other. I know this message is deeper, because I can tell calm and a patience to untamed lion when it comes to family. That’s exactly what we all should strive to be. The protectors and the last line of defense to monsters that try to destroy what God created. God will work everything out. He will be right on time. God wil come when you need and not want him. So you are always protected through God when tims get hard and with his grace when times get easier.
Thank you for the moments to see it!,
Merle Rutledge

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