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Merle Rutledge Jr Video Response can be seen by clicking here https://fb.watch/5cbJQ7E2tA/

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Merle Rutledge for Virginia Governor Press Release

“Merle Rutledge Jr has notified the Virginia Department of Elections and is filing paperwork to run as an Independent in the Virginia Governor’s Race.  Citing 14,000 Elite Establishment Fee and believes the Republican Convention is absolutely rigged for millionaires and not the ordinary working man or woman.  It is inconceivable that Republicans would have a ballot fee, which I call a modern day poll tax, over 3 times the amount for Democrats.  I have been in 6 forums with the other Republican nominees and have absolutely dominated, conquered, and destroyed the competition.  This was about censorship of my campaign because it won’t play by the rules.  I’m running as a Republican with Conservative values that is independent of the Elite Establishment b.s.   This whole process from the beginning has been riddled with lies and deception at the top levels of Republican phony brass.  Even to being excluded from Gubernatorial Forums to this completely unacceptable death tax that the Republican Party of Virginia has put on me.  I was told by Rich Anderson that the Republican Party of Virginia doesn’t sanction Gubernatorial forums where all candidates are not invited, but it did after the Liberty event with Daniel Gade Trust Fund Super Pac for washed out politicians.  This is the highest poll tax in the country to be on the ballot.  It isn’t some random act.  In order to win Virginia back, the nomination must and will go through me.  If I was a politician than I’m sure I wouldn’t have all this craziness occurring with complete disorganization to allow career politicians and millionaires to influence our elections.  It basically says by the Republican Party of Virginia that only money makes you relevant.  I have proven time and time again that their very best frontrunners buckle at every Forum that I’m in and they are scared of it.  I’m an impressive 6 – 0 against every single candidate to include Chase, Youngkin, and Synder. Period!  At first the 14,000 fee was over costs for the convention to take place at Liberty University and now they have no extra excuse.  The difference between me and Amanda Chase on this issue is that I’m going to follow through.  I’m running without the fee and will win without selling out to the swamp! My run will hurt Democrats by bleeding them dry and exposing them for exactly who they are also! Democrats know I’m the worse possibiliity to run independent and still be able to gather enough votes though gas lighting other candidates. My voice is too strong to be silenced!”

Merle Rutledge for Virginia Governor 2021 (Independent Conservative)


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Gubernatorial Forum after Youtube video from the Merle Rutledge for Virginia Governor campaign was unapologetic in it’s support for Marijuana Legalization. The due date for legalization was originally 2024, but Rutledge aggressive pushed for an earlier date put Democrats in defense mode to speed up that timeline to July 1, 2021. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle agree that Rutledge for Virginia Governor closely watched campaign lead to urgency from Virginia lawmakers to get the job done. However, the legalization falls short from Rutledge push to have records expunged. Since, Merle Rutledge rise on the political scene or being purely anti establishment pushed back against politicians in his own party push to keep Marijuana illegal. However, sentiments behind legalization of marijuana has grown widely popular as state’s eased their restrictions and allowed for Marijuana to lead to a huge business boom that reportedly has given states 300 million in extra revenue and thousands of added on jobs.

Furthermore, Merle Rutledge even had marijuana leaves under his Rutledge University campaign shirt. This signal quickly that Marijuana legalization was going to be a key position in his campaign for Governor of Virginia. It is widely believed that his position on Marijuana, was one of the leading forces behind him being excluded from Liberty University original Gubernatorial Forum that got cancelled. Merle Rutledge and the Pastor of Thomas Rd Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Va had huge disagreements about Rutledge unwillingness to recant his position on marijuana. Even though, the Pastor admitted to being a drug dealer and felon because of prior drug trafficking convictions. Under the law now, the Pastor may have not been a felon, but an actual legitimate business man. Merle Rutledge was reached out for comment about his feelings about the new law and this is what he said. “It is a great day in Virginia that Marijuana will soon be legal. However, the legislation falls short in not giving non violent offenders a second chance on moving on with their life. It’s definitely a move in the right direction. However, if it wasn’t for my campaign than Virginia politicians wouldn’t have acted with such urgency. It goes to show that it’s no excuse for citizens seeking private office to wait until they are elected to push for policy changes. It is all about having the courage to stick to your positions and not flip flop on being politically incorrect. This move was all strategic to give Democrats an extra boost going into November 2021 General Elections. Expect them to blame Republicans for holding legalization back for so long. Farmers have been asking for this extra crop and I wasn’t going to let them down on empty promises that go nowhere. It will be weaponized by the liberals to cover up censorship of Conservatives and for the failure in their handling of the pandemic!”

In conclusion, Rutledge is concentrating on his write – in campaign for the Republican Nomination in the 2021 Virginia Gubernatorial race. Rutledge presence is unlike what has ever been seen before in politics. An absolute outsider that’s not a politician or millionaire is clearly giving new life to grassroots to start putting their hat in the ring to become public servants. Expect very big things for Merle Rutledge in the near future. The latest poll from the Republican Standard has Merle Rutledge higher in the polls than Amanda Chase, even though it’s in the air if his name will show up on the convention ballot. We should note that the Republican Standard Survey appears to manufacture Kirk Cox as the front runner with the numbers being nearly impossible to consider the poll legitimate. If Merle Rutledge Jr is not the nominee than expect a huge uphill battle for the Republican Party of Virginia to climb in the General Election. However, Merle Rutledge Jr has proven change can come in places that’s never expected. Maybe that fortune will roll over to whomever is chosen as the nominee to represent the Republican Party of Virginia in the Governor’s race. Glenn Youngkin, La Pena, Pete Synder, Kirk Cox, and Amanda Chase all stated that they was opposed to Marijuana legalization.


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Who would have ever thought that a true complete outsider would take the Republican Party by storm in Virginia. Merle Rutledge has been against identity politics, but is against his will the First Black Republican Candidate to ever run for Governor of Virginia. Yes, he’s black. However, his pro American stance has overshadow the race dynamics that’s normally used by liberals to control their voting bloc. Now, the Republican Party of Virginia may have the ultimate weapon to pull in independents and swing voters that has been lost over the last decade due to a blue wave that has been self inflicted by Party elites. Rutledge rise in the polls came with little money, no political endorsements except for Dave Winkler for NJ Senate, and no name recognition unless you lived in the Southside of Virginia.

The Republican Party of Virginia is now taking notice that Merle Rutledge undefeated streak in Gubernatorial forums across Virginia isn’t a gimmick. Merle Rutledge has continued his anti political establishment elite campaign which has overwhelmed GOP hopefuls that have ineffective at keeping the swamp out of their campaigns. Each Virginia Gubernatorial candidate has paraded endorsements from friends and other politicians that are close in their circles while Rutledge has clearly put a huge distance from them while running as a hard line first and second amendment activist. It is even more clear from his campaign logo of a gun silhouette in his pictures that he believes in gun rights and has been so bold to tell Virginia citizens that he would pardon anyone that breaks Governor Northam new gun control laws and finds them unconstitutional. Virginia Attorney General Chuck Smith has also called for all gun control laws to be ruled unconstitutional which will set up a court battle if Republicans win back both state wide elections. The only way to overturn an Attorney General opinion normally is through the courts.

Furthermore, Rutledge first poll showed him neck and neck with Kirk Cox with Amanda Chase being the frontrunner at the time. However, Amanda Chase star appears to be eroding as most of her campaign staff has resigned, quit, or been fired. Amanda Chase recently been reported to miss payroll of her staff and her security detail is no more. Rumors have circulated that inappropriate activity occurred that lead to the termination of her security detail in which Chase felt people was out to kill her over her controversial views and remarks. Amanda Chase aligned herself with now turn coat high powered lawyer and Trump supporter Sidney Powell, whom destroyed Amanda Chase and election integrity supporters by saying in court filings that no reasonable person would believe her.

Regardless, Merle Rutledge is finding a new supporter base that the Virginia GOP needs and this has included moderate Democrats that have pulled away because of the handling of the pandemic, the Southern Border scandal, and curriculum in schools. Rutledge has maintained that he would get rid of the curriculum as it furthers supremacy and hate. Merle Rutledge Jr has been the most consistent candidate in the race and has yet to flip flop throughout his campaign on key issues. He has actually expanded them to include a 15 percent tax cut for all businesses and a 0 state tax for any first year start ups. He has also pleased salons that he would cut regulations that keep them from operating from their home. We can say that he is the only candidate to actually have a firm stance. Other candidates have danced around the questions on their pro business stance and appears to stick to campaign pitch lines to keep them from being stuck to any positions.

Moreover, identity politics may not be Merle Rutledge or the Republican Party of Virginia theme. It maybe their only hope. Take note in 2020 North Carolina state-wide elections. Mark Robinson, a virtual unknown that got National attention for his gun rights speech and is Black, won his state wide race by over 300,000 votes over the Democratic challenger. However, in the statewide race current Democratic Governor Roy Cooper was re-elected against his Republican challenger nearly by the same amount Mark Robinson won. The Republican challenger was a white male. More experts believe if Republicans had ran Mark Robinson in the Governor’s slot than their is a huge likely-hood Republicans could have won statewide in 2020. Mark Robinson had no experience in politics until 2020 and won on his virgin race. The liberal media has done it’s best to make sure Democratic’s worse nightmare that they learned from in North Carolina doesn’t repeat itself in Virginia. This is why liberal outlets are always putting divisive Amanda Chase in the headlines and trying their best not to mention Merle Rutledge Jr. No one wants to promote their defeat. The Republican Party would be shooting itself in the foot if they don’t have someone new to defeat McAuliffe, whom appears to be clear favorite to win the nomination and become the first two term Governor of Virginia.

In conclusion, Merle Rutledge should not be estimated in this years Governor race with the new rules for a convention. Many candidates are dumping money into other campaigns buying their support, but Rutledge has outshined every candidate in any debate that he has participated in which included Republican Party heavy weights Chase, Cox, Snyder, Youngkin, Santini, Doran, De La Pena, and more. At this time, no candidate with national coverage can beat any Democrat running for Governor at this time. It appears that Democrats have done an outstanding job of keeping Merle Rutledge from being mention in the Virginia Governor’s race is because he is the only one that can win. Rutledge for Virginia Governor debate and forum performances shows that even Democrats that have tried to go against Merle Rutledge, such as Lee Carter and McClellan, suffered the same fate. Merle Rutledge Jr isn’t the typical Republican. If the Republican Party allows their nominee to be bought off than they will lose in November. The only winner will be Democrats and the losers would have paid for it. Our position is clear, Merle Rutledge Jr should be given equal opportunity, because Democrats may not be able to have a game play that stops him. November 2020 showed clearly that if none of the front runners could get Taylor, Collick, Benjamin, Gade, and Republican Superstar Nick Freitas elected. Only a pure dummy would continue to go in this same direction and expect anything else than the Nominee losing the general election and opening up another SuperPac.

The most recent Gubernatorial Debate at Princess Anne Women Club at the Double Tree Hilton in Virginia Beach proves our point and can be watched on Youtube – https://youtu.be/pNegSds5rt8

Editorial Board of the NCAGA

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There appears to be a lot of underestimating and new concerns for so-called Front-runners in the Virginia Governor’s Race. Merle Rutledge has simply been on fire. His first victory came at the Family Alliance and it was clear that Rutledge gain full momentum after facing off against Kirk Cox, Doran, and La Pena in their Governor’s Forum in Glen Allen, Virginia. Rutledge speech can be seen here at the Family Alliance event with Q and A from the audience below. The second debate occurred in Fredericksbug, Va with the Tea Party and Rutledge would stun a full line up in street clothes and win against Pete Synder, Amanda Chase, La Pena, Santini, and Youngkin. The message from Rutledge from the beginning was that the establishment would not control him in any kind of way.

On Jarome Bell Lion’s Den Facebook live show, a guest on his show made derogatory and stereotypical comments on what a politicians/candidate should look like. He went as far to say Mr. Rutledge smoked cigarettes, drove a beat up car, and lack the appearance features needed to become a serious contender for Governor of Virginia. However, the guest had no clue that other Republicans at top levels knew that the car Rutledge drives belongs to his late mother Josephine Rutledge. This would lead to an hour of back and forth with Bell and the co-host decrying the bias and prejudice shown towards Merle Rutledge Jr candidacy. The interview can be watched here in this article. The interview can be watched here from Bell’s Lion Den – https://youtu.be/iT2Cd3-qauM

The Fredericksburg Tea Party Gubernatorial Forum was alarming because Glenn Youngkin advertises only his part in the forum. However, the real winner of the Forum – Merle Rutledge posted the whole forum so that everyone could see how the contest went in Fredericksburg, Va. Click here to see entire forum – https://youtu.be/qPwoSuRiTIg

Even though Mr. Rutledge does not state it much, but the liberal media always addresses him as the First African American Republican running for Governor of Virginia. It was clear that attacks on Mr. Rutledge was coming from establishment elite wing of the GOP. Merle Rutledge Jr has repeatedly called both political parties elites pieces of trash and he will never be employee of the month. A brutal, vicious, and savage tone from a candidate that isn’t suppose to be in serious contention. The most recent poll showed Merle Rutledge Jr in the top 4 of candidates tied with Youngkin for the Virginia GOP nomination. Merle Rutledge has raised the least by far in the race, but always claims God has provided to keep him solvent as the race winds down. The question for Republicans going into May convention is who can beat the Democrats number 1 contender which appears to be McAuliffe, the former Governor of Virginia. However, the Virginia GOP will have a lot of explaining to do on why Merle Rutledge is not ranked higher after besting Amanda Chase, Pete Synder, and Youngkin at face to face forums. It would explain after these forums which are attached to this article that it was fear and appearance of Merle Rutledge beating the GOP favorites that caused him to be excluded – not his race.

Furthermore, Merle Rutledge participating in the Greater Peninsula Young Republicans Gubernatorial Forum against Chase, Santini, and Doran and dominated. Most of the participants seemed frustrated as Rutledge laid out their plans only increased taxes or were soft against the Democratic agenda. Especially the target of Rutledge attacks was Amanda Chase. Rutledge would unload on her voting record and actions with Marxist that could clearly see Chase frustrated. After rebuttal, Chase could not come back and only could say that she knows how Richmond works and that’s why she is the best candidate and that she raised the most money. It was clear that Merle Rutledge Trump-style performance stole the forum away from Amanda Chase. Former 3rd Congressional District Candidate for the GOP – Madison Downs would even chime in and say “hands down, Rutledge won that debate, and his answers was short and crisp with leaving time left over for additional responses.” The GPYR forum can be watched by here

Since than, Kirk Cox, has backed out of any face to face forum with Merle Rutledge Jr involved after bombing bad on his Medicaid Expansion vote to fund abortions and his lingering statements against armed supporters on VCDL lobby day in 2020. We have notice a pattern that he will say family emergency to keep from participating in Governor’s forums in which Merle Rutledge will be participating. However, Kirk Cox would appear in a Gubernatorial Forum hosting by New Mission Pac headed up by DM Gade, that intentionally excluded Merle Rutledge from participating. It appears that the Governor’s Candidates that are front runners will have to get their act together, before voters start noticing – what most top level Republicans are bound to accept. They can’t afford the current front runners winning the nomination and losing them – the general election. It’s about time for Merle Rutledge Jr to be given a serious look, because he earned it. Rutledge said, “If they can’t beat me, than what makes you think they can stand up against what the Democrats have prepared for them. They are manufacturing our loss and the GOP needs to wake up!” Most politicians get news coverage because of their title or position. Merle Rutledge is standing neck and neck with the front runners without big money or the favorable news coverage. The key to victory maybe in accepting Merle Rutledge and their defeat could come at their expense of exclusion.

Jarome Bell’s Lion Den Show After the GPYR Forum debate and discussion by clicking the following link -https://youtu.be/5gBxiOROLzg

Rutledge Victory Speeches after each forum by following this link on Youtube – https://youtu.be/J1ftpRdF3lc

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Democratic Va Senator Louise Lucas and Former Governor McAuliffe need to tell the truth behind their agenda with the monument, BLM, and MLK Committee.  They showed up and helped orchestrate the mess that still has 19 + black men and women still having an arrest record so they could give all the black Democratic candidates the shaft.  A charge dismissal still shows up on your criminal record unless its expunged, which costs hundreds of dollars.  McClellan and Foy are 2 black women running for Governor of Virginia.  Was all of the mess in Portsmouth a political stunt to get a Mr. blackface friend elected? The black community needs to know she endorsed McAuliffe over all the Black DNC Candidates and threatened to have Democrat House of Delegatees Jenkins to recant his endorsement of Foy primaries and voted out in his election bid.  Lucas is hustling votes from the black community to get Mr. BLACKFACE friend elected.  Lucas appears to be using the black community to line her pockets while conning social justice activists. McAuliffe and Senator Lucas often made public appearances together at rallies for BLM, MLK Committee, and more after being charged with felonies by their participation in monument destruction. MLK and BLM received thousands of dollars in donations. Lucas landed new job on the McAuliffe campaign and more political capital, and Stoney rewarded his campaigns donors with a million dollar monument removal and high paying job on McAuliffe campaign. construction job. They all endorsed McAuliffe. They all helped in manufacturing news at a high cost to Portsmouth and Richmond taxpayers for their gain.

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Greater Peninsula Gubernatorial Forum

Below is Rutledge for Va Governor Victory Speech right after forum.

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Rutledge for Virginia Governor 2021 – “There will no longer be all white or black juries in Virginia. There will be 4 white, 4 black, 4 hispanic/non latino legal citizens that decides justice with our juries. This is a very bold move. I could care less if any establishment has a problem with it, because I don’t answer to them. I answer to the American people and our juries should be representative of a verdict worthy of the public confidence. I pledge to all Virginians that I will make sure this happen and I hope other states follow suit. However, this is the most meaningful form of criminal justice reform that has everyone represented. There will not be any all any race as a jury. We will have justice that we all can believe in. Our juries will be diverse – just like our great Commonwealth and America!

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Lol, Besides my marriage, if I was to define true love. It would be Jeremie L Trent and Kelley M Thornton. Through the ups and the downs. They represent everything about the love of God, Family, and Country. Very Republican Values. Also important building blocks of how far love can go. Love is sacrifice and a debt we all continue through life to pay. They definitely in the great song, “I Make you better!” That’s exactly the way I see it! You two make each other better! I have never seen a better match throughout this time. The fight for family and for each other. This is the most treasured gift bestowed only for those that love each other. I know this message is deeper, because I can tell calm and a patience to untamed lion when it comes to family. That’s exactly what we all should strive to be. The protectors and the last line of defense to monsters that try to destroy what God created. God will work everything out. He will be right on time. God wil come when you need and not want him. So you are always protected through God when tims get hard and with his grace when times get easier.
Thank you for the moments to see it!,
Merle Rutledge

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