
Posts Tagged ‘monument’

The black community needs to demand answers on Senator Louis Lucas actions towards Black Democratic Candidates

Democratic Va Senator Louise Lucas and Former Governor McAuliffe need to tell the truth behind their agenda with the monument, BLM, and MLK Committee.  They showed up and help orchestrate the mess that still has 14 + black men and women still having an arrest record so they could give all the black Democratic candidates the shaft.  A charge dismissal still shows up on your criminal record unless its  expunged, which costs hundreds of dollars.  McClellan  and Foy are 2 black women running for Governor of Virginia.  Was all of the mess in Portsmouth a political stunt to get a Mr. blackface friend elected.  The black community needs to know she endorsed McAuliffe  over all the Black DNC Candidates and threatened to have Democrat House of Delegatees Jenkins to recant his endorsement of Foy primaries and voted out in his election bid.  Is Lucas hustling votes from the black community to get a Mr. BLACKFACE friend elected.  Lucas appears to be using the black community to line her pockets while conning social justice activists.

Rutledge for Virginia Governor wants an answer on why Lucas doesn’t find black people adequate to be Governor but qualified to destroy monuments.

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