
Posts Tagged ‘republicans’

What can Virginia say about Merle Rutledge Jr that he doesn’t say or do himself. Merle Rutledge Jr participated in the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. Triad Virginia chapters forum which highlighted Virginia Democratic Governor’s Candidates Fairfax, Carter, Foy, and McClellan. Independent candidate Paul Davis also unloaded on Democrats at the Forum with his policies and defending Trump America First Agenda. This Forum would soon turn ugly giving the mix. The forum got so personal that Foy and Fairfax had to exit the forum early after being viciously attacked about their record with the Brown/Black Community after their campaign advisers warned them that it was going good in their direction. Merle Rutledge would call them out for leaving the forum early, because these are the questions that they need to answer. Merle Rutledge would unload on the handling of the COVID crisis and Critical Race Theory making kids racists. The topics went from criminal justice reform to their policies on mental health.

Merle Rutledge Jr wouldn’t let up on anyone and attacked the handling of the Virginia economy and unemployment claims. None of the Democratic candidates had an answer for the clear jabbing by Rutledge on their policies. Foy would be the only impressive candidate to come out of the gun smoke that Rutledge was unloading, but fail far short of actually saying what actions she would take to help Virginia families and businesses to get out the mess with her “bad data” response. Merle Rutledge would jump all over her case about using identity politics to justify her winning the Governor’s mansion and her failure to lead during a crisis in Virginia. Paul Davis would bring out the paperwork with his responses to highlight how Democrats had stole the election and the rioters destroying Richmond, Va without any consequence. Below is highlight clips from the Delta Forum and you can see for yourself that Virginia Democrats are the problem and not the answer to modern day America.

In conclusion, Merle Rutledge Jr may have won over the black/brown community with his direct responses to the moderator questions. However, the current Republican frontrunners are behind Justin Fairfax in the polls and it’s an embarrassment to the Republican Party of Virginia with it’s current field. The big question that will remain in 2021 is if Merle Rutledge Jr was the nominee, Could the Republican Party of Virginia and down ballot candidates had benefited with him being at the top of the ticket. If Republicans lose than it’s because they used the same strategy in 2020 and brought it to the 2021 race that Virginia has rejected by 10 percentage points in the Presidential race.

Below is the videos taken by Rutledge for Virginia Governor of the highlights from the debate!




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Late into Former Virginia Governor McAuliffe term, Merle Rutledge would directly confront the state on why Lydia Bowers, of Chatham, Va, whom was convicted in Danville, Va Circuit Court of sexual offenses to a minor, was allowed to continue working at Danville, Va Community College Daycare after she was arrested with charges pending. After months and months of Merle Rutledge reaching out for answers to state officials, Ralph Northam that inherited in part McAuliffe would have a staffer get back in contact with Merle Rutledge in regards to the allegations. In a FOIA request made by Merle Rutledge, it was clear that the communications between the Governor’s office was to make sure information was withheld in regards to any investigations or actions that was being made in response to the scandal. It was clear after the conversation between Rutledge and the Virginia Governor’s staffer, that whomever was suppose to report back to the Governor was to shield them of any responsibility. Rutledge says, “Nothing ever happen as a result of that conversation and the problems got worse, not better until I stepped up for the victim! The staffer made it clear that McAuliffe took the claims seriousness, but went short of any relief that could be done in the process. I would never hear back from them again in regards to this issue.

During this time, the victim family was harassed and even charged with offenses, as the brother of the victim was estranged and married to Lydia Bowers. Lydia Bowers family had strong ties to wealthy businessmen and even the mother worked for Ben Davenport of First Piedmont. Lydia Bowers would receive a 6 month sentence and the worse of the worse tape recordings of Lydia Bowers blaming the victim was unearthed and posted on Youtube. Governor McAuliffe made no effort to address this issue, while being the official head of all public colleges and universities in Virginia. During his tenure, protections for victims of sexual assaults would erode by the Democratic Party. Even to the point that now, schools are not required to report sexual assaults of children to their parents. All newspaper would fail to report on any information about Lydia Bowers still working at the Daycare around children while her case made it’s way through the courts. She would plead guilty to all of the charges.

In conclusion, 2021 Virginia Governor’s Candidate for the Republican Nomination Merle Rutledge Jr would go to bat for the victim that was dealing with the harassment and the threats that came from the Bower’s family and friends. Rutledge would lead the charge in trying to get answers to why a registered sex offender was allowed to work around children after being charged with heinous acts towards them at a Community College Daycare. Rutledge would also go to war with Lydia Bowers family by making sure everything unearthed from the investigation was posted online for the public to inspect. Rutledge had no care at all and with risk to his life and safety took on the pedophile intimidation propaganda with pure viciousness. Under the Democratic Party leadership – pedophiles, rapists, and murderers have been released in secret hearings by the now scandal ridden Parole Board and the victims are left defenseless. McAuliffe may have not signed the order, but he damn sure allowed the buttons to be pushed further on whether their is a adequate justice system in Virginia. Too bad, Rutledge wasn’t Governor than compared to the Democrats that has continued to leave sexual assault victims behind unless it’s politically advantageous to the Party.

Note: Victim name was withheld from this article, as she was a minor at the time of the assault and is protected by Virginia law!



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Gubernatorial Forum after Youtube video from the Merle Rutledge for Virginia Governor campaign was unapologetic in it’s support for Marijuana Legalization. The due date for legalization was originally 2024, but Rutledge aggressive pushed for an earlier date put Democrats in defense mode to speed up that timeline to July 1, 2021. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle agree that Rutledge for Virginia Governor closely watched campaign lead to urgency from Virginia lawmakers to get the job done. However, the legalization falls short from Rutledge push to have records expunged. Since, Merle Rutledge rise on the political scene or being purely anti establishment pushed back against politicians in his own party push to keep Marijuana illegal. However, sentiments behind legalization of marijuana has grown widely popular as state’s eased their restrictions and allowed for Marijuana to lead to a huge business boom that reportedly has given states 300 million in extra revenue and thousands of added on jobs.

Furthermore, Merle Rutledge even had marijuana leaves under his Rutledge University campaign shirt. This signal quickly that Marijuana legalization was going to be a key position in his campaign for Governor of Virginia. It is widely believed that his position on Marijuana, was one of the leading forces behind him being excluded from Liberty University original Gubernatorial Forum that got cancelled. Merle Rutledge and the Pastor of Thomas Rd Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Va had huge disagreements about Rutledge unwillingness to recant his position on marijuana. Even though, the Pastor admitted to being a drug dealer and felon because of prior drug trafficking convictions. Under the law now, the Pastor may have not been a felon, but an actual legitimate business man. Merle Rutledge was reached out for comment about his feelings about the new law and this is what he said. “It is a great day in Virginia that Marijuana will soon be legal. However, the legislation falls short in not giving non violent offenders a second chance on moving on with their life. It’s definitely a move in the right direction. However, if it wasn’t for my campaign than Virginia politicians wouldn’t have acted with such urgency. It goes to show that it’s no excuse for citizens seeking private office to wait until they are elected to push for policy changes. It is all about having the courage to stick to your positions and not flip flop on being politically incorrect. This move was all strategic to give Democrats an extra boost going into November 2021 General Elections. Expect them to blame Republicans for holding legalization back for so long. Farmers have been asking for this extra crop and I wasn’t going to let them down on empty promises that go nowhere. It will be weaponized by the liberals to cover up censorship of Conservatives and for the failure in their handling of the pandemic!”

In conclusion, Rutledge is concentrating on his write – in campaign for the Republican Nomination in the 2021 Virginia Gubernatorial race. Rutledge presence is unlike what has ever been seen before in politics. An absolute outsider that’s not a politician or millionaire is clearly giving new life to grassroots to start putting their hat in the ring to become public servants. Expect very big things for Merle Rutledge in the near future. The latest poll from the Republican Standard has Merle Rutledge higher in the polls than Amanda Chase, even though it’s in the air if his name will show up on the convention ballot. We should note that the Republican Standard Survey appears to manufacture Kirk Cox as the front runner with the numbers being nearly impossible to consider the poll legitimate. If Merle Rutledge Jr is not the nominee than expect a huge uphill battle for the Republican Party of Virginia to climb in the General Election. However, Merle Rutledge Jr has proven change can come in places that’s never expected. Maybe that fortune will roll over to whomever is chosen as the nominee to represent the Republican Party of Virginia in the Governor’s race. Glenn Youngkin, La Pena, Pete Synder, Kirk Cox, and Amanda Chase all stated that they was opposed to Marijuana legalization.


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The black community needs to demand answers on Senator Louis Lucas actions towards Black Democratic Candidates

Democratic Va Senator Louise Lucas and Former Governor McAuliffe need to tell the truth behind their agenda with the monument, BLM, and MLK Committee.  They showed up and help orchestrate the mess that still has 14 + black men and women still having an arrest record so they could give all the black Democratic candidates the shaft.  A charge dismissal still shows up on your criminal record unless its  expunged, which costs hundreds of dollars.  McClellan  and Foy are 2 black women running for Governor of Virginia.  Was all of the mess in Portsmouth a political stunt to get a Mr. blackface friend elected.  The black community needs to know she endorsed McAuliffe  over all the Black DNC Candidates and threatened to have Democrat House of Delegatees Jenkins to recant his endorsement of Foy primaries and voted out in his election bid.  Is Lucas hustling votes from the black community to get a Mr. BLACKFACE friend elected.  Lucas appears to be using the black community to line her pockets while conning social justice activists.

Rutledge for Virginia Governor wants an answer on why Lucas doesn’t find black people adequate to be Governor but qualified to destroy monuments.

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Rutledge for Virginia Governor says “Read the Contract and the details before jumping on racially directed DNC business loans!”

Remember it’s always your job to read contracts that you enter into and meet the conditions and terms. The DNC and their banks are now our community loan sharks. All of a sudden Citi group and other Never Trump Banks are trying to give out racially directed loans. Now this is a set up! This is the history of the Democratic Party. They give you money with super high interest rates during a recession. This means your ideas and wealth stands little chance in this type of hoax economy that you voted with Biden. This means for pennies on the dollar. The banks will take everything you own and use your own ideas as more wealth for banks. Instead of owning your business. They will own you and your business. China is right now steadily buying American businesses for pennies on the dollar. Under Virginia current leaders, expect this to happen to your business by the politicians a.k.a socialist vultures. That’s exactly what your business will sell for with these loan sharks – pennies on the dollar. I have no problem with interest rates and capitalism. I will support it fully. I rather the community to be the shark, not the bait. I do have a problem with the fact that you voted for Biden under another lie! At least, I’m willing to tell you the truth of the matter. For example: “You got a very good tasting cupcake factory. The economy causes your business to go belly up. You can then expect Walmart to have their name on your cupcake and you will be never mentioned as making it. Sounds like the history some thought was good to take away. Your idea and business will be taken away from you and your vote represents the precedence of your community wealth being wiped out for Walmart style monopolies. Most businesses can’t afford a DNC/ Biden economy of shut downs. The sad thing is too many voted for it. I will make sure in Virginia moving forward that we maintain our small businesses and that we build good credit, not unnecessary debt by continued poor DNC management and gimmicks! Remember President Trump gave the green light to Ice Cube platinum plan. Too bad no one took the time to find out what it was about before giving it up for hate of Trump. Not the love of your achievements and being driven by success.

Merle Rutledge for Virginia Governor 2021 – #MAGA

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Every woman across this country. I want you trained and an expert in the use of deadly force. I don’t want anymore victims or those criminals that target you for revenge. A restraining order means nothing to felons. I want respect given a new standard. Lock and Load ladies for Rutledge4VaGov2021 justice!!! They release criminals so we might as well release the trigger when they come to do harm. Send a message that Virginia is the home of self defense not victims or persecution. Democrats may have gave safe haven for pedophiles and rapists but we give them lead! Virginia is becoming Virginia again!!!! Good woman with a guy can stop a bad anyone. Don’t retreat – reload!

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Va Governor’s Candidate Amanda Chase is the Democrats Trojan horse!

1. Why would Democrats support a Republican Candidate attacking her own Party during the last election that made Virginia blue?

Answer – Chase would hurt Republicans enough to give them Virginia. She attack House and Senate Republicans. Her local committee and the very ones that got her into office to divide and conquer. This is why she could lose the GOP nomination while taking Republican votes if she ran independent.

2. Republicans kicked her out their local committee and in the State Capitol caucus.

Answer: Democrats would rally around Amanda Chase to try to give her more then one committee assignment after they won in November. Sounds like a liberal reward!

3. Amanda Chase against bills was symbolic and had no weight on the Democrats agenda!

Answer: She runs for Governor claiming to be a fighter while Democrats win again in 2021. She is a sitting Democratic waiting to see which side she’s on after the election. If she loses then she has all the reason to switch parties and become a very powerful ally to the Democratic Party!

Amanda Chase equals Democrats “Trojan horse!” The screenshots prove it’s more then just a conspiracy.Screenshot_2020-02-15-01-19-31

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