
Posts Tagged ‘beach trip’

Amanda Chase will run as an independent and blame Veterans for it. Once again praises Ralph for listening to real Virginians and Patriots! Her run is another gimmick at Republicans expense! In her own words screenshot!!

Vote Rutledge for Strong and not Soft Republican leadership!!!

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Va Governor’s Candidate Amanda Chase is the Democrats Trojan horse!

1. Why would Democrats support a Republican Candidate attacking her own Party during the last election that made Virginia blue?

Answer – Chase would hurt Republicans enough to give them Virginia. She attack House and Senate Republicans. Her local committee and the very ones that got her into office to divide and conquer. This is why she could lose the GOP nomination while taking Republican votes if she ran independent.

2. Republicans kicked her out their local committee and in the State Capitol caucus.

Answer: Democrats would rally around Amanda Chase to try to give her more then one committee assignment after they won in November. Sounds like a liberal reward!

3. Amanda Chase against bills was symbolic and had no weight on the Democrats agenda!

Answer: She runs for Governor claiming to be a fighter while Democrats win again in 2021. She is a sitting Democratic waiting to see which side she’s on after the election. If she loses then she has all the reason to switch parties and become a very powerful ally to the Democratic Party!

Amanda Chase equals Democrats “Trojan horse!” The screenshots prove it’s more then just a conspiracy.Screenshot_2020-02-15-01-19-31

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