
Posts Tagged ‘Trump’

Merle Rutledge Jr Video Response can be seen by clicking here https://fb.watch/5cbJQ7E2tA/

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Rutledge for Virginia Governor slams establishments.  “My biggest question is why did we wait untill after the election to test or investigate the Dominion machines for problems.  So nobody asked to do a practice run.  I believe this was done and the reports of system errors would overturn the election that they failed to disclosed.  The forensic report would have been the same before and after.  Had Dominion been tested and reports made public prior to 2020 election.  The rigged election would have never happen without errors being corrected with proper oversight.  It’s a lot of deep state and RINO activity going on. Each state GOP failed to check the machines before it decided our elections. Too little, Too late! We won’t make that careless error.

Merle Rutledge for Virginia Governor – http://www.rutledgeforvagovernor.com

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I believe this is something not being said about the Presidential Election that needs to be said. I rather put my bets on handling the COVID pandemic with President Trump over Biden. We should not be switching Presidents in the middle of a pandemic with Trump being experienced with the problem compared to Biden that has no clue how to get his own Party to prioritize people more then their Party. At least with President Trump, he realize the American people needed relief asap. While Establishments fought on how best to delay relief based off getting what they want. The American people suffered and even Biden tried to express the desire that relief needed to be imminent. He showed us he would fail even before being elected. Democrats gave up America to have someone talk nice about how they did it. I won’t. President Trump had the experience to deal with both sides and get the job done. Whether both sides of the establishment liked him or acted like RINOs, they all respected him enough to know if they refused to work for the American people. There refusal would cost them their job. Exactly, how a good business will run if someone is costing them their bottom line. It wasn’t President Trump being harmed, but the American people that are searching for answers in a world very unknown to them promoted by Democrats. Full of fear, full of risks, full of anxiety, full of uncertainty. We had the best President to get politicians off their ass and work for us! This is exactly why I’m in this race to Take Virginia Back. I’m the only one that represents the people and outside the establishment. I been getting politicians off their ass for quite some time. I got plenty of proof of it. America needs President Trump as much Virginia needs Merle Rutledge. We got to stop representing politicians that don’t represent us. It’s not a race or money thing. It’s an America thing. Maybe they need to recognize that! Sending career politicians home makes them better to understand what life is like at the dinner table. So when they come back to fight, they fight for the right and not wrong reasons. They won’t run from us and tell us the truth about our circumstance based off their decisions. The consequences of no food on the table for those that is trying to decide which desert they should have! Not the business but the politician! Merle Rutledge won’t be a politician as Governor. If you read all I wrote, I been through it all and took pride in having desert after a hard days work. I threw away what was handed to me without it. I’m home grown. Too bad the others grown to not even know how to get back to home. That’s the same time it takes to get back to you!

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Rutledge for Virginia Governor says “Read the Contract and the details before jumping on racially directed DNC business loans!”

Remember it’s always your job to read contracts that you enter into and meet the conditions and terms. The DNC and their banks are now our community loan sharks. All of a sudden Citi group and other Never Trump Banks are trying to give out racially directed loans. Now this is a set up! This is the history of the Democratic Party. They give you money with super high interest rates during a recession. This means your ideas and wealth stands little chance in this type of hoax economy that you voted with Biden. This means for pennies on the dollar. The banks will take everything you own and use your own ideas as more wealth for banks. Instead of owning your business. They will own you and your business. China is right now steadily buying American businesses for pennies on the dollar. Under Virginia current leaders, expect this to happen to your business by the politicians a.k.a socialist vultures. That’s exactly what your business will sell for with these loan sharks – pennies on the dollar. I have no problem with interest rates and capitalism. I will support it fully. I rather the community to be the shark, not the bait. I do have a problem with the fact that you voted for Biden under another lie! At least, I’m willing to tell you the truth of the matter. For example: “You got a very good tasting cupcake factory. The economy causes your business to go belly up. You can then expect Walmart to have their name on your cupcake and you will be never mentioned as making it. Sounds like the history some thought was good to take away. Your idea and business will be taken away from you and your vote represents the precedence of your community wealth being wiped out for Walmart style monopolies. Most businesses can’t afford a DNC/ Biden economy of shut downs. The sad thing is too many voted for it. I will make sure in Virginia moving forward that we maintain our small businesses and that we build good credit, not unnecessary debt by continued poor DNC management and gimmicks! Remember President Trump gave the green light to Ice Cube platinum plan. Too bad no one took the time to find out what it was about before giving it up for hate of Trump. Not the love of your achievements and being driven by success.

Merle Rutledge for Virginia Governor 2021 – #MAGA

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Trump supporters like me are relaxed. There was no Democratic win in my opinion.

Mark my words,

I’m not a lawyer but since the case is remanded to a lower court by the U.S Supreme Court. Trump will get qualified immunity as U.S Congress never made laws on what offenses are high crimes. If America or the Founding fathers knew what that would be in 1776 to 2020, then they would do so. The U.S Constitution wasn’t a full blue blue print nor would the allegations be listed in clear statutory language that future representatives should have been addressed. It was meant over time, for the US Congress to decide and legislatei throughout time. The D.C Swamp didn’t do so! So if an ordinary persons or public officials would not know if they was breaking any clearly established law – then nor would Trump. Clintons would be locked up along time ago. Yes, the release of tax returns is not going to matter. In #Nov2020elections. However, there is nothing to remove our great President or other Presidents like Obama would then have to held accountable, which included a Georgia state subpoena for when he was in office over misconduct. Watch how quickly the U.S Congress wants to put this to bed given #Biden would then be held accountable to a Ukranian court for his quid pro quo – let alone a local court. Watch the US Congress – not Trump put this to bed quickly before Barr goes after Democrats relentlessly, as this ruling would apply to the.past Dems career politicians. This is smoke and mirrors for a bad Democratic bluff! Ask a lawyer if my opinion correct. President Trump comes out winning at Democratic hypocrisy expense! U.S Congress will make this ruling disappear because their family members including spouse would be going to prison right behind them to include Pelosi. This is going to back fire badly!  Pelosi and the rest would be held to the same standards by a State Court.  This was really a victory.  The ruling either drains the swamp or it exposes it to include their family and Pelosi friends.   Watch how quickly Democrats want to start working with the President to avoid their own doom.  Trump would only have to give up paperwork and Pelosi and company will have to give up their freedom with Insider Training.  The hypocrisy of the deep state at a crossroads.  Trump got Checkmate right before the election.  Still winning.  Past Presidents got away with a cortesy Trump is not getting from Democrats.  Its called career politician corruption at its top levels.  Liberals fell for theit own trap.  Since its their legacy on the line.  Lets break out the pop corn of politician cover up 201!




Merle Rutledge for 2021 Virginia Governor for the Republican Nomination!

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Mike Dunn organized a campaign event under the hidden disguise of actually being an Amanda Chase campaign event staged photo op. At this event, Amanda Chase which trashed BLM and Antifa groups as terrorists made them her friends. While Richmond has been the site if unrest to the point Chase called for Marshall law. A Trump supporter was threaten by BLM which Chase took pictures with and laughed while Richmond Police was trashed by them on her Favebook live feed.

  1. Vvideo of Chase having police trashed and surrendering to leftist groups. https://youtu.be/5oQLoSsUjzw
  2. Same group threatening a Trump supporter. – https://youtu.be/eIZIqxTXFjg

3. More evidence of a Chase Campaign event using #2A falsely – https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1671992729606084&id=1000038611926464.

4. Amanda Chase calling BLM and Antifa terrorists on video. https://youtu.be/zJMqw9BQdpQ

Vote Merle Rutledge Jr for real Virginia leadership for Governor 2021.

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Call of Arms #2A speech by Rutledge4VaGov


Merle Rutledge, Haley Smith, Patricia Bast Lyman, Ginger Burg

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Amanda Chase will run as an independent and blame Veterans for it. Once again praises Ralph for listening to real Virginians and Patriots! Her run is another gimmick at Republicans expense! In her own words screenshot!!

Vote Rutledge for Strong and not Soft Republican leadership!!!

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Every woman across this country. I want you trained and an expert in the use of deadly force. I don’t want anymore victims or those criminals that target you for revenge. A restraining order means nothing to felons. I want respect given a new standard. Lock and Load ladies for Rutledge4VaGov2021 justice!!! They release criminals so we might as well release the trigger when they come to do harm. Send a message that Virginia is the home of self defense not victims or persecution. Democrats may have gave safe haven for pedophiles and rapists but we give them lead! Virginia is becoming Virginia again!!!! Good woman with a guy can stop a bad anyone. Don’t retreat – reload!

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