
Posts Tagged ‘drugs’

What Democrats want you to forget! They brought the political crack to America!”

Democrats have never cared about a citizenship that doesn’t look into what they are doing. The more we pay attention to what they are doing. The more chances we get to decide in the direction that we want America to go. Democrats was keeping their dirt in the dark. The Republican Party was putting light on these cock roaches. Why didn’t any Democrat in the last 47 years lift a finger to stop the drug trade. They did, once it was in their household. It’s exactly what’s going on now in America. Everytime Democrats have been faced with their own bullshit. They was giving you the drug of self destruction to keep you treated from their manufactured disease. If Democrats, pay more attention to your future. President Trump is your best friend compared to these demons. If you don’t know why and what, Democrats stand for and plan to vote for them. This is exactly what they want! Youare suppose to not to know. Republicans want you to know. Maybe Republicans give out tough love because they’re not racists, but Patriots. Even we all have to admit, we get tired of talking nicely and see no change. What would you do? Democrats in D.C becoming millionaires but they claim to represent those that are not. Sounds more like a hustle, not a solution. Democrats have drugged you for far too long with their political cocaine. They don’t want you to have another fix, but another overdose. That cocaine will be Harris and Biden. Exactly the cocaine they are trying to sell you now. Ask Hunter? Your death is unexpected in a newspaper, that’s exactly what it’s suppose to be written as the cause with Marxists. We all know, that’s not what really happened!”Merle Rutledge for 2021 Virginia Governor – Vote Red All The Way – What do you have to lose?www.rutledgeforvagovernor.com

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Another disgraceful act of untrained officers of the Danville, Va Police Department Street Crimes Unit! Looking for drugs and find CDs! All this commando stuff and breaking everyone civil rights in the process and taking money…. Just a bunch of dirty cops and all caught on tape!  They didnt even announce themselves as police and have warrant before opening a closed door. This case brings back reminders of Ryan Frederick, a man convicted of murdering a cop, when cops enter his home at night to execute a search warrant without announcing themselves. The case was pivotal of showing the dangers of police raids. Also, no drugs was recovered and a cop lost his life.

  Watch the video of a separate raid by Danville, Va Police Department officers and look at a untrained group of officers do their job wrecklessly. Also, you will see the alleged tampering with evidence, where money is taken from one place and put into another. The officer video editor basically took out the parts that the cops feared would be caught while putting in its own version of time and events. Watch the numerous video and shot changes in this video.

Landrum 1 Sutherlin
Danville, Va Street Crimes Unit in action doing a no knock warrant without a no knock warrant. The allege claims that police had a confidential informant tha…

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The Associated Press © February 13, 2012

By Martha Waggoner


A student who had to pull her bra away from her body so school officials could check whether she was hiding drugs must have been humiliated and frightened by the unreasonable search, her lawyer told the North Carolina Supreme Court on Monday. An attorney for the state argued the search was minimally invasive.

The state’s high court heard oral arguments in the case involving a student known only as T.A.S — unidentified in court because she was 15 years old when the “bra-lift search” occurred at the Brunswick County Academy in 2008. The justices will decide whether the search violated the Constitution’s protection against unreasonable searches.

“It is unconstitutional for our daughters to be treated this way by the public schools of North Carolina,” attorney Geeta Kapur told the state’s highest court.

Sandra Robinson, the principal of the alternative school for students with disciplinary and other problems, called for the searches after a general tip from other students that prescription pills were coming into the school. She got no more details on what kind of pills or who was bringing them, but knew students usually would hide drugs and other contraband in their underwear, including bras, and their socks and tongues of their shoes.

During the search, students passed through metal detectors, then waited in the lunchroom before being brought one-by-one to a classroom to be searched. The female students had to pull out their shirts and place their thumb underneath the bra to pull it out, allowing any hidden drugs to fall out. Attorneys said there’s no evidence the boys participated in a similar search.

Only the principal testified at trial, and she didn’t witness the search, which occurred in front of three adults, two of them men.

Assistant Attorney General LaToya Powell said the search was minimally invasive because no skin was shown. “By doing this, absolutely no body parts were exposed,” she said.

During the search, a white powder identified as Percocet and drug paraphernalia were found on the student. The student asked a trial judge to prevent the evidence from being used, but the judge refused. She pleaded guilty in March 2009 to two drug-related misdemeanors.

A divided state Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 in favor of the student, finding the search was “degrading, demeaning and highly intrusive.” The state appealed that decision. The state Supreme Court decision is expected to affect 1.5 million public school students.

Powell said the search was not unreasonable because there was “a compelling governmental need” that outweighed the rights of individual privacy, she said. The school’s primary responsibility “was to promote the health and safety of students,” she said.

Although she said in her brief that students at an alternative school have a lower privacy right than those at other schools, Powell told the justices that wasn’t the case. Under questioning by Justice Mark Martin, she said students at alternative schools have the same rights as those at traditional schools.

Kapur argued that two men should not have watched the search because it that violates the Brunswick County school board policies. “We don’t know what happened in that room,” she said. “We don’t know if the two men saw her breasts or positioned themselves to see her breasts.”

Justice Paul Newby asked if the issue of exposure was contested on appeal. It was not, Kapur said.

But in the end, she said: “Who was looking … whether anyone saw any private parts … is irrelevant to Fourth Amendment rights” against unreasonable searches.

Merle T. Rutledge Jr response – Should adult men and women that are not related or have legal guardianship be allowed to view the private areas of underage teenagers without a warrant.  I believe the answer should be “no” because it would violate public policy.  They would literally have to release sex offenders that was only merely peeping toms back into society because this argument would be used to validate other arguments on the matter.  This is a sensitive issue and beware because we look at the black and white of it as being right for government’s purpose.  Can the public actually use that purpose to further pedophilia agendas.  A warrant needs to be secured under conditions of removal of clothes.  I believe, if they are going to be more intrusive than they need to be more inclusive to more civil rights for children.

Mark my words NC, this can blow up in your face in light of victory.  Some victories are just worth giving up in order to protect the safety and health of the people in which the state serves.  I could see a blistering of legal arguments for adults that have view even pornography because one part of the skin or “sensitive areas” may be considered no different than others.  It is the same reason why pedophiles conviction for videotaping underneath women skirts was overturned.

Children must go to school.  Children are not forced to ride a airplane.  If you want to ride the plane than you must follow those rules.  The schools have a extreme amount of power when it comes down to children civil rights and that is why it must be scrutinize from time to time.  This is a great case, but to say the TSA and FAA is a valid argument for this type of search is hogwash.  Being forced and being compelled are two different subjects.

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Open Letter to Republican Candidate Rick Santorum after S.C Debate 1/16/2012

Rick Santorum stated, “Martin Luther King Jr holiday is a important part of the African American community!” Did he forget that it was also white people, hispanic, and other ethnic groups that find this day as important. It seems like every drug dealer in your book is a African American or other ethnic group. It seems like you think every African American is on food stamps.
It seems as if African Americans had nothing to do with the wealth of their own kind as well as other ethnic groups including your own. It is shocking how a bunch of evangelicals got together to endorse your campaign based off your own views that go against the bible teaching. However, it was a old rumor or maybe even a fact that the bible was used to enforce and brainwash other ethnic groups into staying slaves instead of pursuing any form of freedom. I wouldn’t shake your hand if we was on the same stage or place.
I do not have a problem with white people or any other ethnic group, but however I do have a problem with individuals of all races that feel that their is a such thing as being superior to any all races. Rick Santorum fails to bring up the fact that it was government that was the first drug dealers and still are the only one giving drug dealers permits. How about you ask Rush Limbaugh about that? Their are pedophiles of many different races that pray on children for sexual deviances.
Do you tell parents or that child that even if they are raped or molested that they have to have that rapist child. A lot of pro life advocates have not been raped personally and the ones that have are not forced to register their names in a abortion registry. Im sure it would be more hyprocrits on that list than ever before in the history of the United States of America. Its one thing to be pro life and raise your own kids than to be pro life and allow a private or military school do the job for you.
I see all ethnic groups that have a problem with the high crime rate and increase in welfare benefits than job benefits because of the effects of a recession. However Rick Santorum fails to state that white people are also whom he is talking about that are low income. 32 percent of white people are on welfare and entitlement benefits such as food stamps. A number that far exceeds by double African Americans.
The problem with America is a American problem not a African American or any other ethnic group that isn’t white problem. We are in the same struggle together and the only person trying to divide classes is you and those that agree with you, because they are guilty by association.
Also, everyone in the Republican or Tea Party is not racist and actually have valid non discriminatory views on policy issues being passed by state and federal elected representatives. This election is not about running for the President of the United States of Rich America. It is called the office of President of United States which includes all Americans – rich and poor. This election is about providing a future for each and every man and woman.
This election is about moving America passed the hate and the income gap of struggling Americans compared to rich Americans. It is a sad day when fiction is becoming facts for you Rick Santorum. You are using too small of a sample to be representative of any population. Do you ever focus on how many low income people are not drug dealers or incarcerated. It is a far number out of jail than in a jail. Maybe Rick Santorum should do a real research study on issues that are effecting low income people and that is jobs and family not jail and bigotry. It is one thing to be Christain, but Im only asking you to honor what the Bible and Jesus says on paper and make it reality.
This phrase in the bible says it all, “We are all Gods children.” Did you forget that somewhere a long the line of saying which children really are the ones you consider family. You taketh family and won’t giveth qualified workers a job.

Merle Rutledge
Chatham Va

Merle Rutledge - Find me on Bloggers.com

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My point is this, and its undisputed.  Children that are even under the age of 11 can be tried as adults, locked up with adults, and sentence just like the adults, but we adults are wondering why they are not listening to adults.  They have to take on the same responsibilities for there action as adults, but we want to keep treating them just like children.  I’m sorry the law doesn’t give a fuck.  If they get pregnant at whatever age; The state can’t force them to have the consequences or to terminate it. 


     A lifetime in prison is worse than the death penalty.  We have to realize that society has changed, and our circumstances has evolved, so why are we still trying to live like the rules from the past are still the same.  The past don’t give a fuck, all it has done was give us chance, after chance, after chance to get things in order for the next generation.   The generation that is responsible for our actions.  Is it our young people fault for adults not being prepared, No, it is the fault of those adults responsible. Parents, Guardians, and Care givers must be there and on top of things from the beginning.  It seems like that doesn’t happen anymore,  and now more and more; Our children are being asked to be grown adults everyday.  The same children can’t be brother and sister, but must play the role of mom and daddy whom are responsible for younger brothers and sisters, while the parents are out partying or in jail,.  The children have to take care of them way ahead of their time. while trying to keep the family together.  I wish a family that prayed together stays together, but the church can’t even keep there business and drama in order with there own members.  What use to be a safe haven for our young people is becoming more of how much money you spend is based on how much of a prayer and blessing that you receive. 

     People are struggling to keep a roof over there heads.  Churches are struggling to keep there doors open, and projects meant to help those that need it most, are no longer available.  Once again, we place the fault on a 19 year old, and the fault is on all us adults that has long ignored the problem, but we are wondering why the problem found its way right into our own homes.  These children are relieving stress, the same way us adults do it, and we are wondering why they are acting crazy.    We have put the responsibility on the children and have yet to understand the background of her guardians, which may be a mitigating factor into the child’s conduct.


    I’m sorry for those that are in this struggle, no matter where they lay at.  But the reason why I can talk is because ive been on the battlefield; I’ve been in this long war for a long time, but just like drugs can’t be stopped from flowing into this country, and pussy being legal or dick being legal, isn’t going to stop those from engaging it.   Its shocking that children know what dick or pussy means, but don’t even know the definition of what a penis or vagina mean.  “Get my point!”  We need to engage them with education at this point, because we tried our best to hide it from them, but the secret is out.  Sex happens, and until we accept that this is just a normal way of life, than we already defeated our intent in trying to prevent a phenomenon.  We all have heard the phrase, Stop putting your child on me.”  We all have regretted making that statement, because the child may have been better off with you instead of with the one that was constantly trying to give the child away.


Merle T. Rutledge Jr


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