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What can Virginia say about Merle Rutledge Jr that he doesn’t say or do himself. Merle Rutledge Jr participated in the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. Triad Virginia chapters forum which highlighted Virginia Democratic Governor’s Candidates Fairfax, Carter, Foy, and McClellan. Independent candidate Paul Davis also unloaded on Democrats at the Forum with his policies and defending Trump America First Agenda. This Forum would soon turn ugly giving the mix. The forum got so personal that Foy and Fairfax had to exit the forum early after being viciously attacked about their record with the Brown/Black Community after their campaign advisers warned them that it was going good in their direction. Merle Rutledge would call them out for leaving the forum early, because these are the questions that they need to answer. Merle Rutledge would unload on the handling of the COVID crisis and Critical Race Theory making kids racists. The topics went from criminal justice reform to their policies on mental health.

Merle Rutledge Jr wouldn’t let up on anyone and attacked the handling of the Virginia economy and unemployment claims. None of the Democratic candidates had an answer for the clear jabbing by Rutledge on their policies. Foy would be the only impressive candidate to come out of the gun smoke that Rutledge was unloading, but fail far short of actually saying what actions she would take to help Virginia families and businesses to get out the mess with her “bad data” response. Merle Rutledge would jump all over her case about using identity politics to justify her winning the Governor’s mansion and her failure to lead during a crisis in Virginia. Paul Davis would bring out the paperwork with his responses to highlight how Democrats had stole the election and the rioters destroying Richmond, Va without any consequence. Below is highlight clips from the Delta Forum and you can see for yourself that Virginia Democrats are the problem and not the answer to modern day America.

In conclusion, Merle Rutledge Jr may have won over the black/brown community with his direct responses to the moderator questions. However, the current Republican frontrunners are behind Justin Fairfax in the polls and it’s an embarrassment to the Republican Party of Virginia with it’s current field. The big question that will remain in 2021 is if Merle Rutledge Jr was the nominee, Could the Republican Party of Virginia and down ballot candidates had benefited with him being at the top of the ticket. If Republicans lose than it’s because they used the same strategy in 2020 and brought it to the 2021 race that Virginia has rejected by 10 percentage points in the Presidential race.

Below is the videos taken by Rutledge for Virginia Governor of the highlights from the debate!




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The Monument Speech the liberal media did not want you to hear in the City of Virginia Beach by Merle Rutledge against removing Monuments and History! The thunderous applause says exactly how Real America feels!

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Merle Rutledge is all for criminal justice reform with action.

1. Elect and not appoint judges
2. Open file discovery for prosecutors and defendants to include police complaints to go along with defendant criminal record.
3. Making Prosecutors and Judges no longer exempt from FOIA requests after a prosecution.
4. Expungement of records for non violent offenders within 5 years from the date of conviction based off conditions being met.
5. The full legalization of Marijuana that turns into tax revenue not fines.
6. Taking away absolute immunity to prosecutors for personal interest convictions and Brady violations.
7. All body worn camera footage shall not be exempt from FOIA requests for those subjected to bring in them.
8. DNA testing as a automatic right for those confine in jail that’s been denied.
9. Dismiss or remove judges that are liberal leaning.
10. Investigations of valid complaints will be handled and address immediately of judges and prosecutors without privilege/immunity of a court matter still in its legal proceedings.
11. Defendants will get a free transcript of all proceedings prior, during, and after trial.
12. No more internal affairs. Police departments would have an outside investigator that’s not affiliated with them to make recommendations to the Sheriff or Police Chief.

13.  No public official can threaten pay raises to law enforcement unless they enforce unconstitutional laws shall be removed from office upon an investigation or for political retaliation.

14.  Private citizens will be given the same discretion from prosecutors as police for justified shootings.  #2A

15.  Failure of judges and prosecutors to give conflicts of interest prior to trial will warrant a new trial and conviction being tossed out.

16.  No judge will be able to preside only in their jurisdiction of choice.  Judges will have to move around the state to handle cases so they can not be corrupted by a locality for favorable rulings.




Merle Rutledge for Virginia Governor 2021
Time to fix the mess left behind after the murder of George Floyd.

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