
Posts Tagged ‘policy’


Pictured: Merle Rutledge Jr and Ben Loyola

First of all, we need to support our teachers who have had to re-invent themselves during this COVID pandemic. I’ve seen videos of teachers dancing on zoom to keep their first graders attention during class. I applaud that kind of teacher and recommend them for thinking outside of the box. Many of our teachers fit that mold. 

However, some students are not so fortunate. This pandemic has made it clear that we need to re-think public education works for one student doesn’t work for every student. In some classrooms, the teacher is not able to engage every student rather than expect that, we have a choice. Rather than dictate what classroom each student must be in, the student should have a choice. Just like parents choose a doctor or a dentist that they think will help their children, parents should be able to choose the school or the teacher for their children. 

This pandemic has taught us that there are multiple ways for students to learn. Some need to learn while their bodies Some need it to be quiet and to be alone. Others need to be in a classroom with other students. Why can’t we have different kinds of classrooms with different kinds of teachers with different kinds of curriculum? And why can’t students and parents figure out which type of classroom works best for their student? Let’s provide a mechanism for parents to choose their teachers, classrooms, and receive a voucher to put their child in that right classroom. 

For those kids that have poor parental support, they need this more than the child whose parents are engaged with the Guidance counselors and principles can help find the right class or school for each child. If Joey’s only meal is the lunch school, then his only classroom should be the one that best enhances his chance to get out of the poverty cycle. He doesn’t need to be forced into a box that won’t fit for his learning style. In American there are many children living beneath the lines. Let’s create a “best for each child” system, rather than a protect the status quo system that watches some students, because they can’t learn outside the box. Rutledge also believes in tax credits for school supplies for in person learning for parents. This should the same with students with special educational needs they deserve chance of the same education that the general education. 

Lastly, PTA meetings allows parents to address their concerns about on these topics however, it’s up to the parent to get involved in their child education and to make their voices heard. The parents still have the right to say what is best for their child involving their educational needs. Parents must be willing to go to their State legislative office and demand a change in the school systems. Without fear of any consequences knowing that we are fighting for a worthy cause – their child education. 

BS. Ministerial Leadership 


Press Secretary for Merle T. Rutledge Jr Gubernatorial Campaign for the Republican Nomination

Richardson Credentials 

AS. Business Administration 

MA. Political Communication

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Merle Rutledge shared GoDanRiver‘s post.
2 mins ·


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Virginia Municipal League sponsor a newsletter promoting the Danvile, Va Street Crimes Unit and City Manager shows the policy, custom, and ordinance for enforcing strict laws by the Danville, Va Street Crimes Unit on black males.  Signs of success
City Manager Joe King states, “Our analysis of the
victims and perpetrators
showed that these were
unemployed, unmarried, black males
from single-parent households who
had a criminal record, were known
to each other and ranged in age from
their late teens to late 20s,” King says.

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In the City of Danville, Va police department manual it instructs officers to rewind over video and audio tapes after 60 days which destroys the right to a fair trial. This is a policy and practice that goes against Virginia law on retention of evidence or public records. I believe the governor should have a executive order especially on felony cases to hold all audio and video evidence for 10 years until the case is clearly over and 60 days is not adequate. I cite these reasons. However, I ask that the police department change its policy because its about a fair trial and nor should their be technicalities for criminals to take advantage of. General Orders or Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that are related to property and evidence are the directives that inform all members of a department of the requirements for the proper handling, packaging, and storage of physical evidence or property that is accepted as either found property or property for safekeeping. Department directives either prescribe or proscribe actions by officers who are booking property or evidence into the agency. The orders or SOPs direct such things as requiring that evidence be booked into the property room or temporary storage lockers prior to the end of a tour of duty; not storing evidence in an investigator’s desk or an officer’s locker; or insuring that firearms have been rendered safe and unloaded prior to bringing them to the property room or placing them in a locker. To illustrate the importance of these SOPs, consider this January 2007 news article that reported that a judge in Florida declared a mistrial in a capital murder trial. The basis for the judge’s decision was the failure of the prosecution to produce all of the evidence related to the case, specifically audio and video tapes. During the trial it was ascertained that an investigator had stored the tapes in his office desk and that he had never booked them into the property room with the other evidence. This story is included to reinforce the need for departmental directives related to evidence, as well as the need for compliance with the directives. How many convictions needs to be overturned for police departments to get the message? I have sent this email to the Virginia Governors office for a response but I feel its more harm in doing this policy than good.  Below is a scanned image directly from the Danville, Va police department manual.  This is public policy by the police department.

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Pastor E.W Jackson will do anything for money!


I am shocked that the Republican Party would pick any candidate for Virginia Leiutenant Governor that would talk negative about black people in general and make what he say the right way about discussing overgeneralizations on race, issues, and public policy with views on a particular race in general. Moreover, E.W Jackson has went out his way to say Planned Parenthood is worse than the KKK to black people. Maybe, E.W Jackson is saying that because he is not hanging from a tree or being burned a live. Maybe he would adjust his view on what he considers more dangerous. Your campaign manager must be teaching you the 36 ways to hate yourself.  At least I have my own views and acourse Malcolm X (alongside other role models and civil right leaders) that teaches us to love ourselves. However, if E.W Jackson or Mitt Romney would be take black out of their statements and put white in them. I would love to see them get votes for it. It appears that they get black candidates that are only hate their own race. It would be quite a shock to get a white candidate that talks negative about other whites. Lets see if he wins the next election. Black people and minorities are not the only problems with this country.


We have seen over recent news articles that problems can exist anywhere with individuals and not off the basis of race. I wish a Republican candidate would say that these are the issues and this is where I stand for or against without injecting a racial injection into the argument. In this time and day, we all have problems. However, blaming a particular race instead of the individual doesnt do anything to fix any of the problems. We do agree on one thing Mr. Jackson is the fact I do not apologize for anything I say or do. It is not about religion. It is about my beliefs. In Conclusion, Mr. Jackson is making these statements because its about money and power. He feels if he sales his soul to the devilish side of the party than he is going to achieve his goals in life. However, god knows what you will achieve in eternal life. A lot of this black hating black candidates are only trying to make a extra buck and be accepted in a society that will never accept them. The reason is, you can talk like a racist man, but you forget that you still a part of the race that they still hate. Elections are won by people bringing people together and if you want half of your own vote than keep using this race card. This will only ensure victory at your expense. Furthermore, every race has black sheep. This is the only universal statement you can make about a race and be correct. P.S. Pastor Jackson is pictured to the left! Merle T. Rutledge Jr Chatham, VA

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I have to give Mr. Hurt credit for at least debating Douglass. However, I wish I could say the same about my challenger Mr. Roy Byrd. I have nothing but respect for you as a public official. However, I feel that you want to win this election because of entitlement and not merit. The point of a debate is to see where we stand on issues as it relates to the town and to give the people a chance to decide on what direction that the Town should go in based off our proposals and policies. Even if I was not running, I would still want to know where all my elected officials stood on pertinent issues that will not only effect their wallet but also the geographical area in which I try to represent. My campaign, as well as independents, have sent Roy Byrd e-mails asking for him to debate and to give us an outlook on the direction that he plans on taking the town. He has played by Mr. Hurt playbook of not debating and hope his name is enough to win this election. This sounds more like entitlement and socialism strategy. Since you do not want to debate, than I will present the questions in this letter to the Editor to you. Where do you stand on Uranium? What do you plan to do to move the Town forward with your proposals? Do you plan to serve the public or serve yourself with the tax revenues raised by taxes that the Town has no clue on what they are paying. How do you feel about eminent domain and the transportation issues that continue to be a issue with the citizens. I stand against Uranium Mining. I do not plan on raising taxes at all next year. I see my colleague has raised or voted for tax increases every year except for a election year. I plan to have a open door policy of government and request a criminal probe to give the Town people answers to what is really going on with their money and why it continues to get lost. I plan to bring businesses to the area and allow them to grow and bring jobs to the area and require them to meet the aesthetics of the Town of Chatham, Va, while working with their neighbors. Perserving history while staying update with the future is my motto. Our area has serious transportation issues and we need to start working on solving it and working with local bus services and more to fix the problem that we continue to avoid in our comprehensive plans. I want to see people be able to get to work and handle much needed services and business. I would like to know where you stand on bridging the gap in cutting taxes and showing fiscal responsibility. If you want to vote for a dodger of public scrutiny than you should vote for Roy Byrd. However, if you want accountability in public office than vote for that change. Roy Byrd, Ill debate you anywhere and at anytime. too bad, I wish you could say the same. We have use email, phone calls, and face book to get you to come before the town. If you scared to face the town now on your proposals than dont be the man to throw your proposals on to the town after you are elected. We do not need another Romnesia co – signer in office. Im tired of your flunkies including Pittsylvania County Sheriff deputy Campbell, Mayor Rogers, and the rest of the local Town of Chatham, Va employees that support you giving you a free ride. Earn your office or step aside. The people deserve to know where we stand. I am also surprised that our local newspaper has not asked or held a candidate forum in which they can write and also give their own readers more information on the stances of governments in which they write about.

Merle T. Rutledge Jr
Chatham, Va

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 This is a example of a JJPDA Act that has no teeth in the states, so I decided to use Virginia news article on anti-bias rules.  Their is no point of having state jobs in which the department has no kind of authority to enforce regulations throughout the state, but only make recommendations to policy makers that simple do not care about closing loopholes with laws that address juvenile justice seriously. 

     Furthermore, their are departments that have no teeth is the state corporation office, Virginia Human Rights Act commission, Juvenile Justice, Criminal Justice, and any department that can only recommend and refer others to do a job that will have little effect on the issue.  States can get rid of wasteful spending by eliminating figure head of issue departments.  Figure head departments just means they are only there to say that the state has a department dedicated to specific issues to refer people to, but there is nothing the individual department can do without laws passed by public officials.

     I wish they would just call these offices a place to get referred to a state law maker.  Customer service phone representatives can do the jobs of these toothless departments.  It is nothing wrong with these departments doing studies, but if the raw data is going to be put under the rug because it may compel justices to review in favor of some of our most repulsive criminals, than these departments further the degree of illness, and clearly circumvents preventions and treatment that should be addressed in all four branches of government executive, legislative, judicial, and administrative.  The fourth branch administrative is not a official but informal branch of government.  Critics actually acknowledge it as the fourth branch because it has authority to regulate specific government related matters.

     In a country where we execute the mentally ill, the mentally retarded, and even the innocent people.  Prosecutors should be sued for misconduct and punish in state/federal and civil/criminal courts.  They withhold the most compelling evidence from the defense. 

     The pattern that they tried to exempt and exclude from public records is a custom of punishing the known mentally ill that is so wide spread in the justice system that it is enforced as law.  Prosecutors have prior and constructive knowledge about a mentally ill person when bringing them to trail.  The failure of the state and even the Bar failure to train and supervise the legal system holds them accountable for mentally ill patients.  If the prosecutorial misconduct is exposed that rises above the immunity level and raises a legitimate dispute on the issue, than it would be every prosecutor/judge nightmare. 

      The appeal and overturning of convictions from a justice system that is bias, unfair, not partial, because it discriminates against the mentally ill.  This may be the only way to really have a flawless justice system.  All the studies and research that has been done on this issue, that state and it’s agents have ignored, holds them in my opinion to being a facilitator or accessory to the murder of its own citizens.

Merle T. Rutledge Jr.

Va. juvenile justice board OKs anti-bias rules

Posted to: News Virginia

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The Associated Press
© June 30, 2011

By Zinie Chen Sampson


Virginia’s Board of Juvenile Justice retained a ban on discriminating based on sexual orientation at its residential centers, despite concerns that it doesn’t specifically have that authority.

Gay-rights group Equality Virginia and others urged the board to continue its efforts to protect gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth who are in custody in the agency’s facilities. The board on Wednesday discussed what steps it could take to provide proper care to young people in the system while following the law.

The board voted 4-1 — with Chairman Barbara J. Myers the lone dissenter — to reaffirm including specific protections based on sexual orientation in Department of Juvenile Justice regulations.

Equality Virginia lobbyist Claire Guthrie Gastanaga welcomed the board’s decision to “stand for what they think is right,” but acknowledged that the issue is far from resolved as the regulations advance toward final adoption. A similar regulation that offers protection against sexual-orientation discrimination in nonresidential centers is set to take effect on Friday.

The group went against advice from a staff lawyer from the attorney general’s office who said the state constitution equally protects all people and that sexual orientation hasn’t been designated for specific protection under the Virginia Human Rights Act.

Lara K. Jacobs said that in adopting the anti-bias language, the board risks creating a right that hasn’t been enumerated by the General Assembly.

Board member Aida L. Pacheco responded: “We’re not creating a right, we’re trying to prevent discrimination.”

The board approved the anti-bias regulations last year, but the agency stripped out the reference to sexual orientation during the final approval process on advice from the attorney general’s office. The board voted June 8 to restore the protections, then called a special meeting Wednesday to address the issue.

The board also discussed the Department of Juvenile Justice’s new offender classification program.

Kate Duvall, a lawyer with the Legal Aid Justice Center’s JustChildren program, said that the new classification program amounts to a major policy shift that doesn’t line up with the department’s stated policies to make rehabilitation and re-entry top priorities.

Advocates have petitioned the board to require the Department of Juvenile Justice to halt implementation of the new classification system, saying it put too much weight on the original offense committed, isn’t based on research, and neglects other factors that would better predict misbehavior.

But Jacobs advised the board that classification of youth offenders is an operational matter. Because the board only can address policy issues, it doesn’t have legal or regulatory power to order the department to suspend the new system.

Department director Hellvi Holland called the classification system a housing system, and said no youth would be denied services. She said via teleconference that department officials met two weeks ago with advocates and parents to discuss their concerns, and another meeting is scheduled for mid-July.

About 800 young offenders are in the Department of Juvenile Justice system on a daily basis.

1.  http://hamptonroads.com/2011/06/va-juvenile-justice-board-oks-antibias-rules

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