
Posts Tagged ‘women’

Every woman across this country. I want you trained and an expert in the use of deadly force. I don’t want anymore victims or those criminals that target you for revenge. A restraining order means nothing to felons. I want respect given a new standard. Lock and Load ladies for Rutledge4VaGov2021 justice!!! They release criminals so we might as well release the trigger when they come to do harm. Send a message that Virginia is the home of self defense not victims or persecution. Democrats may have gave safe haven for pedophiles and rapists but we give them lead! Virginia is becoming Virginia again!!!! Good woman with a guy can stop a bad anyone. Don’t retreat – reload!

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Rutledge for Virginia Governor 2021 to add a state recognized constitutionally protected gun. Just like we have a state bird. We will have a state gun. What are your suggestions. Mines is pictured below and post a picture in the comments section.IMG_20200404_173910_090

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The Merle Rutledge and Bryant Hood Keep the Peace Farewell Tour! Southside Awards Most Beautiful Women Nominations!

Liz Watson, Merle Rutledge, Tonya Hairston Gotluvallovame, Myron Johnson Bryant Hood and Michael Elder is taking nominations for the Southside Awards Most Beautiful Woman! Drum Rolls please Top 30……..We all have 5 a piece to nominate. Bryant Hood, I think Bryant Hood will let the top Beautiful Southside vote getter in the club free!!!! The nomination with the most likes is considered Southside Awards Most Beautiful Woman! The next three days up to 30 ladies will be nominated!

Rules (After the Top 30 are picked)
1. You will promote the women that each person nominated to win the contest that you have already nominated.

2. Each judge will come up with a question or method each day for each of the.
nominees to answer.

3. Each judge will have to select 2 nominations that received the most likes.

4. The final round rules to select the Southside Awards Most Beautiful Woman will be determine by each of the judges!

5. There will be only 1 winner overall. This is the only way to make sure a clear winner comes out without the influence of our personal bias.

First round minutes, questions, nominations and comments from contestants, judges, and more

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Why people are afraid to succeed in a changing business market?

Lately, I have been having some of the most unproductive and wishy washy conversations lately. Listen, if you want to be the best at what you do, than you are going to earn it and stop complaining about it. Too many successful black men and women are not able to get a steady job or business going because they stuck with making excuses and limiting themselves on what they think is acceptable for others that could care less about their welfare and are only on a mission to keep you down with them, but not above the struggling line. America needs to wake up! Businesses are striving because they take risks and while you trying to play by the old rules. 

Businesses are hiring educated individuals to keep them up to date on the markets changing growth and how to be a sustainable profitable business throughout the ages. The game plan of 1990 is not the same for 2010. We have a mass array of technology and sorry people with money wants to invest in a business that is going to increase the value in their stocks and bonds. Banks only want to invest in businesses that they see serious growth potential that is unique from the others and will have a market that people would want from the key phrase “different backgrounds and ethnicity!” 

Being exclusive lost a U.S Presidential elections. However, President Obama took a risk on a platform of change with gay rights, immigration rights, and other types of rights that was multi racial and not just one segment on a particular faction. If you want to see success than you need to change up what you already know has not work, because your predicament is the a constant reminder of how to do things wrong. Do not be afraid to be different and be unique in business or in private life. However, it must be fitting to you and if fitting means sacrifice to other ambitions than accept responsibility for your current condition. This is a new year, even Mr. Rutledge has a new approach. The excuse of I am worried about what my friends and neighbors think is getting old and tired. If they thought you was a loser before than stay in your situation because they have no reason to change their mind.

Merle Rutledge

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     In January 1980, Marianne Ginter, Newt Gingrich second wife, met Newt at a fundraiser, while Jackie (Newt’s first wife) and Newt were still married, and began an affair shortly thereafter.  Marianne knew Newt Gingrich was married and proceeded to continue the affair at the objections of Jackie.  She now, in Janurary 2012, has went public about the details of her marriage to Newt and the affair that took place while being married to him with Callista Bisek.  It seems like all these marriages and different wives was a matter of people reeping what they sew. 

    Galatians 6:7-8: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”


I have no sympathy at all for any of Newt’s wives except for Jackie Gingrich.  The bible verse mention above is a explanation of people taking part in hurting others but wants to be mad when the shoe is put back onto the other foot.  I’m not fan of Newt Gingrich and I have already went on record that his personal life should not be used as a mandate to take on the office of President of the United States of America.  However, I do believe his other statements that have overgeneralized different races and ethnic backgrounds in a negative and controversial fashion, has done enough to taint his campagin and his ability to lead the American People.


Marianne Ginter interview on the record about the marriage to Newt Gingrich and his request to her for a open marriage is completely true.  Just because someone denies the allegations, such as Newt, does not mean the actions which constitute a open marriage does not exist.  It means if you are behaving like your marriage is open than your words that reject the assertion, is also not held as credible. 


  There are plenty of murderers and rapists on trial that deny that they commited the crimes, but all the evidence shows that they are lying and is guilty of the very acts, that the federal or state statute law, as it applies to their innocence or guilt in the matters that they are facing.  This is just Newt Gingrich standing in place of the D.C Sniper.  They all denied any involvement but the evidence clearly showed how they planned, manipulated, and destroyed people lives.  The law said they was guilty by the evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, and Newt is gulty by that same measure in regards to requesting a open marriage.  


    Marriane does not have any right to be mad or feel betrayed.  She knew what Newt was capable of, by his own actions towards her.  It was okay for you to go in and help destroy Newt’s marriage to Jackie under similar circumstances and conditions, as Callista did in ending your marriage.  Also, if the same thing happens to Callista with Newt than she would have no reason to make similar assertions of Newt behavior in a negative light as well.  It maybe a matter of time or Newt could have already been unfaithful to her.  From Marianne statement, declared that Newt told her that Callista had no problem dealing and handling Newts extramarital affairs which included even having a continual marriage with you.  It means Newt was jumping in and out of you and Callista bed with frequency to the point that it equaled Condonation on all sides.  This makes all parties involved Swingers.


    Swinging or partner swapping is a non-monogamous behavior, in which both partners in a committed relationship agree, as a couple, for both partners to engage in sexual activities with other couples as a recreational or social activity.  Swinging can take place in a number of contexts, ranging from a spontaneous sexual activity at an informal social gathering of friends to planned or regular social gatherings to hooking up with like-minded couples at a swingers’ club and can involve internet-based introduction services.  This is exactly a correct term to call Newt and Callista Gingrich.  The Gingrich’s would be the first Swinger Couple known by public and verified by this definition by their actions, to possibly win the nomination to the Republican Party and may well win the Presidency of the United States of America.   By Newt and Callista winning the presidency, would basically mean its okay for open marriages as a acceptable practice while running and being elected for the Office of the President of the United States of America.


     Now, Newt Gingrich can deny all he wants that he never proposition his wife for a “Open Marriage,” however it seems by the measure of the definition and from his actions, and not going by denials, than he is absolutely guilty of lying and propositioning his second wife for a open marriage.  He can reject the notion of asking his wife for a swinger relationship, but he can not deny his actions meets the swinger definition alongside his current wife. 


     A vote for Newt, especially for women’s voters, would okay even your current husbands having extramarital or open relationships within the marriage.  Your vote stands for allowing infidelity in relationships, as well as bringing in third parties, as a normal practice of maintaining a current relationship status quo.  If Newt Gingrich is elected than it would give people like him more ammunition to stop making affairs a big deal, and even for the evangelicals that appear to be Christain to appear as hyprocrits when they talk about the sacred bond of marriage.  Please Republican conservatives should go back to your bible and read about adultery in marriage.  Maybe evangelicals only believe what they choose to believe in the bible.  If this is the case, than the only practice of religion by Republican conservatives, is nothing more than political party over God.  


     I hope it is never a day in which Newt and Callista Gingrich ever get announced as President of the United States of America.  However, If they want to be the First Family Swinger couple than more power to them. Sorry, I wont publish falsehoods because everything that was mention in this article I have backed up by facts by Newt’s own actions.






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There are a lot of men and women frustrated that are single or in a relationship.  The biggest question that goes through everyone mind is do I really know the person I am with, or do I know the part that this person is ok with me knowing.  Secrets are the biggest problem in a relationship especially when it gets exposed after a relationship.  Their are men and women that consider their dark pass the sexual fantasies that they have accomplish, the friends that they may have turned their back on or whom may have even dated one of their friends significant others, or even had some personal information get exposed to the public without their consent.  However big or small the situation, it becomes a issue if it is considered something that you dont condone or the past should not consume the good that is left in the possible future.  Some of these very things is really shallow and petty but should be exposed before getting into any relationship that may have the possibility of being more.  It is the worse feeling when you find out the person that you are with has done the very things in which you may or may not want to be associated with, but the biggest issue is having the opportunity to be provided with credible and reliable information of who your partner is.  We all deserve the truth, and some will probably be very supportive and others may look at you negatively.  This is the difference between the lie and the ugly truth.  No one is perfect and if you willing to go deep with someone than expect for it to have problems with a shallow end.  Tell whomever the truth about you and than make the decision of whether you want to be with this person or not.  Also dont expect to settle for less and not expect the same thing for them.  Now if they tell you the truth even at the detriment of losing out on a relationship than this person is something special.   Im sure we all death with the results of what we thought was special and it was nothing more than a fallacy of deception.  You choose!  How can someone know the truth about you epecially when you do not know the truth about yourself!

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A Call to Washington – The March 2012 March of Epic Proportions


They try to tell us racism no longer exists in America.  They try to tell us that everyone should be treated equal and fairly.  They try to tell us that the road to prosperity is following their lead.  Just like John McCain said in a recent speech “We know better” and “I know better.”  You are right John McCain.  I do know better.  This isn’t just to focus on you, but to focus on the racism that is present in America and has risen sharply in any poll that can be done in America.  There are numerous problems in America, and it isn’t all Americans (especially the upper class and the rich) taking the brunt of policy and political posturing.  It is the people that work hard every day that are losing their jobs every day, and being told that not only will they not find employment anytime soon, but the employers are carrying a policy that says do not hire the unemployed.  The systematic dismantling and oppression of its own people for political gain is unacceptable.


I am charging Republican and Tea Party public officials with treason.  Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.  This sounds just like John Boehner and the Republican establishment.  This party has given aid and comfort to a radical group that is trying to overthrow the government, hates the government, and rather rage economic war on its own people.  This is the biggest case of treason that is going unpunished and without prosecution.  They have pushed as public policy for cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Pell Grants.


My question is why college students are quiet about this, or is it the fact that they do not recognize being brainwashed by political and inherited ideology that party over your own people is their religion.  I charge the Republican Party with Fraud and violating its own citizens Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights. They ran on a job creating platform, and have yet to introduce or even work on any job creating bills.  However, they have worked on killing unions, calling people barbarians and tar babies, killing a woman right to choose, mandating how people bedroom behaviors should be, and maintaining that their way is the only way, even if it means the downfall of everyone.


Failure to raise the debt ceiling applies to us all, and not just to the few.  Acourse those with riches, or wealth feel that the problem will only address them in a very minor way, but others have to suffer with losing their households, increase costs in interest on loans and credit cards, and even losing entitlement programs because they are being drained of the funds, that are used to make payments to the people that need it the most, for those that will probably never have to even consider such options.  Michelle Bachman and many Republicans that feel that the debt ceiling should not be raised has already gotten their entitlements from the government and are guaranteed it by law plus pension, but they can also pass a law which makes that guarantee null and void, only if they are serious about being part of the solution and not the problem.

Its too many crying to this day that shouldn’t have to shed a tear.  They sacrifice their whole life making the top 2 percent of rich people in America continue to flood their back accounts with cash while bleeding the life out of its own foundation.  Ms. Bachmann, this is slavery, because even during the time of slavery in America.  Your party spends more time adding and collecting its pensions and health care, but want to take it away from others.  You have yet to pass one single piece of legislation but been getting paid almost 200,000 a year to do nothing but make statements of negative through a microphone.

“My example that I have just given is very similiar to the actions of the barbarians that look just like you.”  Do not ever call anyone a barbarian unless you ready to take the same insult back in your direction as your actions have met the definition of a barbarian thats ungrateful and spoiled.  Michelle Bachmann, you will be ok, if the debt ceiling was not raised.  It is obvious that you made that ok with getting everything out the government that help facilitate the decline in the economy.  How about you do the right thing and return those funds back to the same government in which you condemn and than clean your hands of the funds that you have not so proudly taken.  It is only now, for political gain, and also for lining up your pockets, to replace Sarah Palin as one of the top money making Republicans out there, and not be serious about being the best Presidential candidate.   You saw how much she made during a losing presidential run, so why not see how much you can gain by erradicating the other bad scent that comes from your Tea Party direction.  It is a testament of your greed and not of your will to see America become better, because you hoped the economy became worse, for the sole purpose of winning the United States of America presidency.  You would sacrifice the people that you are suppose to protect and let them get kicked out their homes and lose all their possessions that took them a lifetime to accomplish, all for the sake of having more power, more money, and more wealth.


The reason why the March is so important!


It’s time for us to make that trip back to Washington.  People from all walks of life that are facing the consequences of political party’s actions are the real heroes and not the corporations.  I’m not here for any corporation.  I’m not here for any party.  I’m here to do what is right for the people of the United States of America.  It is time for all those that claim to be the realest, the right, and the left, to have an open dialogue on how it is to be an American now.


Our Constitution states, “We the People  of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”  Did America forget this? Did our public officials forget this? Corporations are not people in regards to the United States Constitution, but obviously even the U.S Supreme Court has establish that now this is subject to change with their conservative stance based on political affiliation and not with justice for all being their guiding light.  We the people should stop letting the b.s in Washington, D.C slide.  Our jails are being filled with nonviolent offenders and the only reason for their incarceration is the inability to pay.


The employer inability and willingness, not to hire these individuals because they are unemployed, so they can have the ability to pay is unacceptable.  They want to take away our teachers ability to educate effectively, by trying to have them do more with less, while filling the accounts of private educators and institutions. No government funds should go to private institutions that does not want or both to accept the public opinion and initiatives, but want to accept the tax payer’s funds.  Republicans have even tried to take the ability away from the fire d and police department to protect its own people.  Requiring mandatory cuts and this will further corruption and disruption instead of crime fighting and protecting the people from it.


I’m asking America to come back to America.  I’m asking America to go to Washington, D.C.  I’m asking for all the help to bring this event together and make a noise so loud that even the White House and Congress can hear it from inside its walls.  This isn’t right and it’s time for reform now, it’s time for change now, it’s time to go back to basics in which it was cool to be independent, because we shouldn’t depend on government, but government should depend on us.  If we wait too long, to bring America back into Washington, D.C, than Donald Trump will have it right that holding the line is real policy by gambling the people for the pockets of the rich.  The Republicans and Tea Party can afford to wait it out, but can you?  This is why the budget is not balance.  They have no accountability.  They even tried to conspire to take away voting rights in order to keep the seeds of their criminal and civil violations covered up.  This is the indictment on political party, and this is being brought before the America grand jury made up of the people.


It’s time for a March in which the people of the United States of America bring the conversation to Washington.  I’m looking for volunteers, church groups, and political parties, unions, wrongfully convicted citizens, liberal groups, Senior Citizens, Latinos, African Americans, Caucasians, any and all races and backgrounds, any and all religious groups, Social Security recipients, Republicans, Independents, Politicians and even the Tea Party.  I want you all there to have a discussion, protect, and to assemble peacefully, all out in the open, front and center, and in Washington.  It is time for D.C to hear the American People.  I’m looking for group leaders, as well as individuals, to tell America and the World, your story.  Michelle Bachmann always says the Tea Party represents the people, and the Tea Party only represents the Tea Party.  We need to see if it is true and not just a naked assertion further devoid from the truth.


I’m sorry Michelle Bachmann, but your life was funded and supported by the government and you are the picture of the spoil child that just got a cookie, and still looking for a glass of milk.  I’m here to place your antics right at your feet, and ask, “When are you going to visit the America that needs the help the most?”  It seems like you have no problem with tax payer funds making frequent visits to your bank account. When will I see you in a Black, Latino, or any other ethnic or with a different background community?  Anyone feels comfortable around their friends, but it is those that are not friends that really test the measure of your resolve and sincerity.


It’s time for A Call to Washington, and instead of just being on the phone, it’s time to be right in their face.  The switchboards and servers shouldn’t be the only thing going down.  It is time to make your presence felt.  It’s time to make a Call to Washington, to bring America back.  I’m going to need all the help in America to get this done.  I know it’s the time now to make it happen.  Let’s make it happen.


It is time for all of us to understand each other and meet our new neighbors from all walks of life and backgrounds.  “It’s America moment now.”  It is time to bring charges to Washington, D.C., and prosecute it out in the open and directly in public.  It is only fair to have a trial by a jury of your own peers.  Well Washington, it’s time for that trial to happen!  It is time for justice in any shape or form, and by any means necessary!


This would be my closing argument for all those that continue not to pay attention to the America that is being build right around them, and working its way right on to your street and inside of your home.  When those entitlement programs get shut down.  The tendency is to look for friends, family, and neighbors to help you in trying to just live by bare means and necessities.  Who are you going to go to, when the government says you can no longer go to them?  You have worked all of your life paying your taxes, having money taken out of your check for medicare and social security, and now notice that those payments are no longer going to be coming.  You can no longer work, because you are either on disability or have a condition so debilitating that you can no longer work.  Your family, friends, and neighbors are struggling as well, and can not afford to give you anything to help you our in your situation, because they have situations of their own.   See the top 2 percent does not have this problem being faced, but the middle and lower class, will have this problem right in their front doors.  The lower and middle class needs to beware that if you are already struggling to meet ends meat to this day, than be ready for those that you thought was taken care of, to start asking you to help meet their financial crisis.  They may be your parents, sons, daughters, or immediate affiliation of due care, but you may have to let them move in.  Once again privacy is compromised.  Financially you are compromised.  You do not have the ability to take care of your loved ones as well as they would have been able to be taken care of at a proper medical facility.  This is the future and all Americans need to pay attention.  The rich can afford these services, but can you.  If you think this is a joke, than ask any Congressmen or public official, if I’m telling you a lie.  Some of them already are trying to prepare now for such a future.  They have a head start, but do you.  So its time to act now, or eventually this article may be too late for you.  Hopefully America wakes up and take a stand for those that have taken a stand over and over for you as you was growing up.  They may not be able to walk and be on the path to helping themselves, but it is time for us in America to step up in their place, so that we do our part, because to volunteer is revolution, but being forced is slavery.



Merle T. Rutledge Jr


“A Call to Washington” Coordinator

Civil Rights Activist

Estimated Date – March 2012, but participation every day to a better America is mandatory!

“All people welcome!”

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