
Posts Tagged ‘family’

Every woman across this country. I want you trained and an expert in the use of deadly force. I don’t want anymore victims or those criminals that target you for revenge. A restraining order means nothing to felons. I want respect given a new standard. Lock and Load ladies for Rutledge4VaGov2021 justice!!! They release criminals so we might as well release the trigger when they come to do harm. Send a message that Virginia is the home of self defense not victims or persecution. Democrats may have gave safe haven for pedophiles and rapists but we give them lead! Virginia is becoming Virginia again!!!! Good woman with a guy can stop a bad anyone. Don’t retreat – reload!

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Rutledge for Virginia Governor 2021 to add a state recognized constitutionally protected gun. Just like we have a state bird. We will have a state gun. What are your suggestions. Mines is pictured below and post a picture in the comments section.IMG_20200404_173910_090

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Hello All National and Virginia News and Media Outlets, U.S Policy makers, Law Enforcement and it’s agents –
Danville, Va Woman gets light sentence after molesting and blaming a family member that’s a minor for her conduct.
Today, The National Coalition Against Government Abuse and Breaking the Silence lead by Melissa Dix has had enough of Danville/Pittsylvania County Judges letting female sex offender get basically a walk out of jail card while male sex offenders are sentenced harshly for the same accusations. To be clear, we dont want any of them getting off on a light sentence and nor do we want sentences to be REDUCE, because it would still not be a deterrent for this type of conduct. There needs to be media coverage, changes in the law, and more awareness on the discrimination in sentencing that lead to a woman named Lydia Bowers that molested her disabled minor female family member, Lydia bragged and showed no remorse on recorded audio tapes while verbally attacking her victim. However, Lydia Bower’s acting like a angel that was just mislead for sentencing purposes and overly friendly judge thats light on female sex offender, acted beyond the pale to stop someone that has stated on recordings that if it wasn’t for being caught then the acts would have continue to occur.
Because of Danville, VA Circuit Judge Milam Jr, this sex offender Lydia Bowers will be out in a few months. She got 5 years with all but 6 months suspended and credit for any time already served. To my knowledge, Lydia Bower’s was released the day she was arrested and was out on bond until this case made it through the courts. There was absolutely no reason why she should have ever gotten bond. The audio recordings of Lydia Bowers shows a clear continued threat to the community. She will be able to apply for work release very shortly and walking on the streets around your babies in the Southside to pray on again. This individual plead guilty and is not contesting the accusations for the truth of the matter. You heard it right, Lydia Bowers on audio tapes verbally assaulting her prey, a disabled family member and calling her a retard after the allegations lead to her arrest, because she talked to police. We have seen this happen, time after time, in which the predator blames the victim for their own actions.
Danville/Pittsylvania County judges get a female sex offender and show mercy even though they have asked for none. This sex offender continued to blame the victim repeatedly with secret recordings which has made its way onto the internet and has been viewed close to 40,000 times by the public. I could not believe that the judge made the predator into a victim. You heard that right, “The predator is a victim also!,” allegedly stated by Judge Joseph Milam Jr of the 22nd Circuit Cout District which represents Danville, Va. I will be notifying state officials and setting up meetings to make sure the laws are being developed to protect our youth and most vulnerable. I can never understand how a judge would belittle the Commonwealth Attorney and do everything to make sure a female predator compared to male charged under similar circumstances, that’s been in his court get a walk in such circumstances.
Moreoever, A family member is suppose to be considered one of the most trusted people in our lives. To know that we can not even have family without our supervision around other family members, is a nightmare that I do not believe in any rational American would think is acceptable. Our Commonwealth must do more and make mandatory minimum sentences in these types of cases in which Judges can not go against sentencing guidelines especially for adults that attack our children.
Accordingly, I will not let this slide underneath the rug. What happen in court today shows that the public no longer have the confidence in the verdicts and the sentences that follow. Had this been a male sex offender, whether family member or stranger, in this same area have been sentenced from a few years of active incarceration to life in prison and more. They was not allowed to be considered a victim of their own crime as an excuse. The excuse they was abused served little to no help. I am so shocked at this verdict and this is why I am running to be Governor of Virginia. It is to make sure the public has the confidence that it deserves with jurist that doesn’t discriminate against offenders because of their gender, but because the merits of their actions in the case shows clearly that more and not less needs to be done. I ask for all law enforcement, Commonwealth Attorney’s, and Judges that believe that Virginia has fallen short on its responsibility to protect the most vulnerable and those with handicaps, should owe a duty more then ever that the public deserve the protection of it’s state actors. No more will this be accepted with silence.
Furthermore, Today and for now on, we put a voice to the voiceless. We put action to the inaction. We put truth first and never defend a lie. We as Virginia’s needs to take our state back and put these criminals were they belong. Also this judge had the nerve to say work with your probation officers to get unsupervised Probation. However, someone with posession for marijuana or non violent offenses has gotten more time. This is Brock Turner on steroids justice without Cynthonia Brown sentence. It must and will stop. I am absolutely disgusted in this type of justice system and I ask every City to endorse mandatory minimums for sick acts like this and to send their recommendations for changes in the law to Virginia House and Senate for resolution..
In conclusion, are the judges furthering a criminal enteprise knowing its contrary to law by reducing sentences for allege female sex offenders. Also, why are these sex offenders continuing to go to particular lawyers that are known to give out reduce sentences. The question that begins to linger is are the judges sympathetic because at some point are still are, possibly pedophiles also. The sentence should have been enhanced because of the showing of no remorse and this was a family member, a.k.a guardian in her care. Teachers have gotten more time and the argument was they was in a supervisory and trusted role. However, it appears that family members that are pedophiles got encouraged even more to continue to do these acts, especially knowing they face 6 months or less of active incarceration on a first offense. Depending on the lawyer may receive no time after a plea of guilty. A slap on the wrist of the criminal and another smack in the face of the victim. A person caught with child pornography but has never done the act has gotten more time. Most get 10 years minimum. These audio recordings should make any parent have nightmares and be more closer in making sure they supervise their kids even more around the very people that should have their trust.
Lydia Bowers Audio Recording 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFdrJWpRB7U
Thank you for your time,
Merle Rutledge
Virginia Beach, Va
Virginia Candidate for Governor 2021
President of the National Coalition Against Government Abuse26653111_1960013044260692_1631137377_o.png

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Real Racism

     Real Racism
A lot of times when a race issue comes up then it is really the media creating the controversy. I know of people from all races that have supported the black community and it’s families in the Trayvon Martin case, Marissa Alexander case, Michael Elder case and Michael Dunn’s killing based off Stand your Ground laws and Police Brutality. The media has not pointed out that much,. That even our own kind, has successfully been acquitted by the same laws over senseless acts of violence that did not have to take a gun to resolve, but cooler heads willing to talk instead of shoot would have been a better compromise.
Firstly, it is rare for the media to point the camera on the other races that show up at these rallies, vigils, and marches of injustice that may be done on behalf of a particular family seeking justice which race may be opposite of those in the crowd. It is being done on purpose and through what I call media segregation. It is being done to make us to believe that we are the only ones that care about our own kind and that is simply not true. It is their meaning select media’s job and directives to make it a black and white issue to manufacture its own story of controversy, when in all actuality it is a multi-cultural issue that people feel justice was not done and has yet to be fulfilled in the cases I have mention previously in this article. We always will continue to have media spin doctors to put stories in their view and does not reflect the real issue at hand.
Furthermore, you will notice on Facebook and on other media and blog websites that there are derogatory, defamatory, and racially insensitive dumb comments to blend in with the articles on what they view as a race related injustice. We should all want the same thing justice. No matter our personal prejudice, bias, or opinion, the goal for everyone should be seeking justice through innocence, not guilty, or with guilt. We all have been or known victims. They may not look like us, but we feel and pray that they can have closure during a time of great crisis. Moreover, there fight is still our fight, but a coward does not even deserve a piece of the sidewalk.
Secondly, during my return to Norfolk, I have enjoyed the meetings with civic leaders and with people of many different backgrounds. The problems of the City continue to exist, but there is more of a will for people to keep moving foward and not backwards. This was demonstrated through a revived energy of leadership before, during and after the election. Michael J. Muhammad has proven that he is the leadership and the voice of the black community. In order for Mayor Fraim to effectively take on the issues that we have in our City is by seeing, knowing, and proving that our leadership exists that is unwavering and that example was what he faced during his re-election campaign. There is no way Mayor Fraim can avoid, ignore, or dismiss the black community, because our voice is loud and clear. The media comes to Mr. Michael J. Muhammad for the response to racial injustice in the City and rarely do I hear a group that he has to represent for, because he represents the whole community. We are always proud to hear his answer represents us and not protective and protracted statements that lets injustices get off the hook. He is the leadership that is no longer in crisis.
Thirdly, All black people do not hate white people because it is false. All white people do not hate black people because that’s false. It is always someone on your side on any point of view that you can imagine. It may not be the people you expect that will be on your side, this is true. Furthermore, I am the prime example of finding out how many people that I never thought, knew, or had the privilege of meeting that I would find out was on my side. They paid more attention to my character and the issues that I address before making an informed decision about me. I encourage them to do the same for others and continue the quest of knowledge of an issue and not ignorant of the lack of in their own disposition of others.
Moreover, I spoke with one of my professors before coming to the area. I take her words very seriously and sometimes I need to have that reality check. She said I was arrogant and had a “I do not give a fuck attitude.” This was not a complete assessment of who I am, but who I was starting to become. I was letting my enemies begin to win when I already had them losing.
Accordingly, I had to go back to what I love instead of embracing the confrontation to take on hate. A good teacher, mentor, or person that has taken on that role of guidance will continue to mold me for a bigger purpose and that is all that I hope that everyone has a opportunity to find. The definition of being what you want to become and not what other’s hope that they can destroy.
Lastly, I am happy to be here and look forward to meeting and saving the best for last because the work will continue forward. Do not let the hate that comes from a few address an entire population. Put your shoes on the other foot, the race is irrelevant. The question that I ask everyone is how would you feel if the same injustice happen to someone that you loved? The answer should be the same that should be given to others and be committed to actions that create justice and not silence. Everyone that you think hates you is making you out to be a lie, because it is no truth in that statement. Whether it be God or someone you may or may not know, it is always someone that loves you!
Article written by Merle T. Merle Rutledge Jr

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Why people are afraid to succeed in a changing business market?

Lately, I have been having some of the most unproductive and wishy washy conversations lately. Listen, if you want to be the best at what you do, than you are going to earn it and stop complaining about it. Too many successful black men and women are not able to get a steady job or business going because they stuck with making excuses and limiting themselves on what they think is acceptable for others that could care less about their welfare and are only on a mission to keep you down with them, but not above the struggling line. America needs to wake up! Businesses are striving because they take risks and while you trying to play by the old rules. 

Businesses are hiring educated individuals to keep them up to date on the markets changing growth and how to be a sustainable profitable business throughout the ages. The game plan of 1990 is not the same for 2010. We have a mass array of technology and sorry people with money wants to invest in a business that is going to increase the value in their stocks and bonds. Banks only want to invest in businesses that they see serious growth potential that is unique from the others and will have a market that people would want from the key phrase “different backgrounds and ethnicity!” 

Being exclusive lost a U.S Presidential elections. However, President Obama took a risk on a platform of change with gay rights, immigration rights, and other types of rights that was multi racial and not just one segment on a particular faction. If you want to see success than you need to change up what you already know has not work, because your predicament is the a constant reminder of how to do things wrong. Do not be afraid to be different and be unique in business or in private life. However, it must be fitting to you and if fitting means sacrifice to other ambitions than accept responsibility for your current condition. This is a new year, even Mr. Rutledge has a new approach. The excuse of I am worried about what my friends and neighbors think is getting old and tired. If they thought you was a loser before than stay in your situation because they have no reason to change their mind.

Merle Rutledge

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    A couple of months ago I went to Charlie Stone’s barbershop in Chatham, Va trying to get a hair cut, I did not have a clue that he had passed away.  He cut my hair from the time frame I first moved down here when I was 10 till after my grad…uation and going to Norfolk State.   One thing you knew that you was going to get at his barbershop was some pipe smoke, a great hair cut, and a man teaching wisdom. 
           I remember when I wanted my hair to be curly and he quickly gave me a reality check about why would I want something like that.  I also got my first high top hair cut from him with the raccoon tail on the back.  I would also remember when I was getting older and he congratulating me on continuing my education.  I would drive back into his drive way up a short hill and notice his shop was closed. 
           Lastly, So his wife comes out and I ask her where was he, she paused for a second because she realized that I did not have a clue.  I was trying to see him again for a hair cut and just to see how he was doing and hope he would still remember me.  I would find out it was too late.  He had gone on to be with the Lord.  I would tell her thank you and wish her well.  I knew getting back into that car that I would never get a hair cut, pipe smoke, a lesson from a wise man, and a great laugh.
           Mr. Stone had a huge impact on my life when growing up.  One of the main reasons why I stayed out of trouble.  I did not want to let him down and just wanted to show him that all those times of getting on my case and also keeping me on the right track just in the seconds I keep talking about that will change your life.   Furthermore, he was the poor man favorite barber.  While others was charging $6 to $15.  He always stayed at $5 and he would never accept a tip from me.  He said use that for school. 
          Inconclusion, He was the definition of remembering where he came from but making sure those that came after him did not repeat the mistakes of previous generations but embrace the greatness of who we are as a people and who we are as a family.  I am not a member of his family but he surely effected someone in any family, including mines in the Pitts Co / Danville/ and surrounding areas.  He will be missed and I may have not gotten one last hair cut, but I definitely saw him smiling as I drive away, because I knew that he knew that I did not forget.  
    Charlie Stone – I say thank you and also to your family!  You will not just be missed but will always be honored!See More

    — with Patsy A Jones and 3 others.

    Photo: A couple of months ago I went to Charlie Stone's barbershop in Chatham, Va trying to get a hair cut, I did not have a clue that he had passed away.  He cut my hair from the time frame I first moved down here when I was 10 till after my graduation and going to Norfolk State.   One thing you knew that you was going to get at his barbershop was some pipe smoke, a great hair cut, and a man teaching wisdom.  

      I remember when I wanted my hair to be curly and he quickly gave me a reality check about why would I want something like that.  I also got my first high top hair cut from him with the raccoon tail on the back.  I would also remember when I was getting older and he congratulating me on continuing my education.  I would drive back into his drive way up a short hill and notice his shop was closed.  

      Lastly, So his wife comes out and I ask her where was he, she paused for a second because she realized that I did not have a clue.  I was trying to see him again for a hair cut and just to see how he was doing and hope he would still remember me.  I would find out it was too late.  He had gone on to be with the Lord.  I would tell her thank you and wish her well.  I knew getting back into that car that I would never get a hair cut, pipe smoke, a lesson from a wise man, and a great laugh.
      Mr. Stone had a huge impact on my life when growing up.  One of the main reasons why I stayed out of trouble.  I did not want to let him down and just wanted to show him that all those times of getting on my case and also keeping me on the right track just in the seconds I keep talking about that will change your life.   Furthermore, he was the poor man favorite barber.  While others was charging $6 to $15.  He always stayed at $5 and he would never accept a tip from me.  He said use that for school.  

     Inconclusion, He was the definition of remembering where he came from but making sure those that came after him did not repeat the mistakes of previous generations but embrace the greatness of who we are as a people and who we are as a family.  I am not a member of his family but he surely effected someone in any family, including mines in the Pitts Co / Danville/ and surrounding areas.  He will be missed and I may have not gotten one last hair cut, but I definitely saw him smiling as I drive away, because I knew that he knew that I did not forget.   

Charlie Stone - I say thank you and also to your family!  You will not just be missed but will always be honored!

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There are a lot of broken homes all across America. Families lives have been changed in a matter of seconds from the violence, prejudice, and callous disregard for the welfare of others. If I learned the most valuable lesson from The recent events such as the set up by Norfolk Police Department of the killing of Joshua Omar Johnson, and others that shared similar fates under a different set of facts, is the value of life and family. Many of us can go home and talk, hug, and kiss our loved ones, while others go to a home where there is one less family member sleeping safe in their room. We all spend so much time with bitterness and disgust for our fellow neighbor, but when they are gone, we wish for the opportunity to say at least good – bye. As a father, I look at the world and what I do a lot differently. It is no longer about what I want to do, but what is in my children best interest. Moreover, I have to consider that anything I act, speak, or take action on, in regards to the many issues that surround protecting our civil rights. 

Secondly, I am troubled by our neighbors, family, and friends that are so easily willing to take a life, but are uneasy about taking the consequences of those actions. I have seen the toughest hard core self claimed criminals read letters of apology and cry to a judge for forgiveness that will never come. Two families, like so many families, all across this country has had to suffer and deal with these tragic events. We all, including myself, has to do better to end the petty grudges. If we are to do justice on behalf of anyone is to stand together for its resolve. Joshua, like so many others, should be consider all of our son, all across America. The many critics, in regards to statements that they have been made trying to label with prejudice the negative characteristics that they view of Mr. Johnson, are only a matter of time when they will seek others for good words of kindness, and people of faith that is unconditional. Some want favor under conditions. I will pray for them, just like I pray for each and everyone of you that such a tragic events does not have to be repeated. 

In conclusion, If you have a beef, grudge, or any negative with anyone in your life, its time to come to terms, because tomorrow is not guaranteed for you or for me. U.S President Obama said it best, “If I had a son, he would look just like Trayvon!” Mr. Johnson was made in Gods image, just like all of us. Mr. Johnson, Mr. Trayvon Martin, Mr. Troy Davis, and countless others that has felt the weight and flaws of our justice system are our family, as I would hope to be treated by everyone as a member of their’s. In order for us to stop violence, we must be on the street, we must be talking to everyone on any street corner or whom we may walk bye, even if its to say good morning, and not just sitting in a room full of bureaucrats that are trying to save face and add another event to their resume. If we treat people like animals than thats how they are going to behave. We need to follow up. Furthermore, It is each and everyone of you responsibility to talk with your family. The rest is up to you. 

Merle Rutledge
Civil Rights Activist
Political Blogger
Political Consultant
Former Candidate for the Mayor of the Town of Chatham, Va
Also a son of everyone in the City of Norfolk, Va

Vote Michael J. Muhammad, for Mayor of the City of Norfolk, VA 2014Image

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Officer, bank teller followed procedure 

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Dead driver’s family critical of police

Family say police overreacted by firing 11 shots

Updated: Wednesday, 22 May 2013, 5:03 PM EDT
Published : Tuesday, 21 May 2013, 2:01 PM EDT

NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) – One day after a deadly police-involved shooting in the Ghent section of Norfolk, investigators confirm officers were never struck by gunfire.

An officer opened fire on a vehicle in the parking lot of the Wells Fargo at Colonial Avenue and West 21st Street Monday afternoon, after the driver reportedly used his vehicle as a weapon.

The driver, identified as Joshua Johnson, 22, of W. 27th Street in Norfolk, was shot and killed. His female passenger, Virgie May Hairston, 21, was arrested and charged with conspiring to commit or assist in a larceny.

Hairston told WAVY.com Tuesday she thought the check was legitimate.

The couple tried to cash the check in the drive-through around 2:45 p.m. Police say the teller at the Wells Fargo called 911 to report the two suspects were attempting to pass a bad check.

“We pulled up to the teller and the lady say hold on my computer is messing up,” said Hairston. “Police come straight in front of us, and next thing you know, he hopped out the car and started shooting.”

Polices say two officers responded to that 911 call. The first officer parked on the opposite side of the building and drew his weapon. He continued to walk behind the car toward the passenger side, while the other officer pulled his police vehicle in front of the suspect vehicle, which was in the drive-through lane closest to the teller window.

That’s when police say Johnson put his car in reverse and accelerated, hitting the officer in the leg. The officer was thrown onto the trunk of the car.

But Hairston says neither she or Johnson knew an officer was behind their vehicle.

“I’m sure there wasn’t no officer behind us,” said Hairston, when asked repeatedly.

Police said the officer in front of the car lost sight of the officer on the trunk, and fired the fatal shots. Eleven bullet holes were in the windshield. Johnson was pronounced dead at the scene.

“Eleven to 12 times? Not one, not two,” said Hairston, who thinks the shooting was not justified. “It shouldn’t even have got to the shots. They should have fired at the tires or something, not at him, not directly at him and me too. I’m in the car. They didn’t think. They didn’t care. Obviously, they didn’t care.”

When the vehicle came to a stop, an officer pulled Hairston from the front passenger floor. She was not injured.

Photos: Officer hit by suspect vehicle

Friends of Johnson’s in the Park Place neighborhood say he worked several jobs and officiated youth sporting events. They, too, believe police overreacted.

“I told my son and he broke down crying so hard that he threw up,” said Kevin Mills, who worked at Andy’s Barber Shop with Johnson. “That was his buddy.”

The officer hit by the car was treated at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital and released.

Initial reports from police dispatchers said an officer had been shot, but they have since confirmed neither officer was hit by gunfire.

The officer who fired his weapon was placed on administrative leave with pay, which is standard procedure. The injured officer is on “Modified Duty” with pay, probably for a few weeks, said Karen Parker-Chesson with the Norfolk Police.

The police chief refused an interview request from WAVY.com Tuesday. A spokesperson cited the ongoing investigation.

Norfolk Police issued the following to explain policy:

Norfolk Police officers are authorized to discharge their firearm “to defend and protect oneself or another when the officer reasonably believes that he or she or another person is in imminent danger of detah or serious physical injury.” Our training is focused on stopping the threat of imminent danger.Image

Merle Rutledge Jr supports Omar Johnson and Ms. Hairston

Joshua Omar Johnson shooting not justified with Norfolk, Va Police Department! (Merle T. Rutledge Jr responds on why!)

Initial Reports – Man killed by police for trying to cash a check in Norfolk, Va!

An officer opened fire on a vehicle in the parking lot of the Wells Fargo at Colonial Avenue and West 21st Street Monday afternoon, after the driver reportedly used his vehicle as a weapon. The driver, identified as Joshua Johnson, 22, of W. 27th Street in Norfolk, was shot and killed. His female passenger, Virgie May Hairston, 21, was arrested and charged with conspiring to commit or assist in a larceny. The couple tried to cash the check in the drive-through around 2:45 p.m. Police say the teller at the Wells Fargo called 911 to report the two suspects were attempting to pass a bad check. Police said the officer in front of the car lost sight of the officer on the trunk, and fired the fatal shots. Eleven bullet holes were in the windshield. Johnson was pronounced dead at the scene.

“Eleven to 12 times? Not one, not two,” said Hairston, who thinks the shooting was not justified. “It shouldn’t even have got to the shots. They should have fired at the tires or something, not at him, not directly at him and me too. I’m in the car. They didn’t think. They didn’t care. Obviously, they didn’t care.” When the vehicle came to a stop, an officer pulled Hairston from the front passenger floor. She was not injured. Initial reports from police dispatchers said an officer had been shot, but they have since confirmed neither officer was hit by gunfire. Norfolk Police issued the following to explain policy: Norfolk Police officers are authorized to discharge their firearm “to defend and protect oneself or another when the officer reasonably believes that he or she or another person is in imminent danger of death or serious physical injury.” Our training is focused on stopping the threat of imminent danger.

The real story behind the scenes sheds light on what really happen.

My point is that no police officer should have drawn a gun on a person on the street or in a vehicle unless they had belief that the guy was armed and dangerous. This was car a with two youth trying to cash an alleged bad check. It is unknown if they even knew the check was bad. My point is that there should have been no reason to draw weapons based off the initial response to the scene.

This was not a bank robbery. It was on suspicion of trying to cash a check.   How do we even know if the person who was cashing the check was only being scammed.  This is a regular thing to happen in this day and age.  There is nothing about this situation in which a gun needed to be drawn on these youth as soon as the officer exited the vehicle. Did the bank teller ever tell them that the check was fraudulent before calling the police. I have cashed a check and also seen someone who has attempted to cash a bad check. The bank normally checks to see if this was a accident or was it intentional for the check to be presented.  I never seen a bank teller or police draw a gun and not know if there was intent by the individual to cash a bad check. I also doubt that Mr. Johnson even knew a officer was approaching from behind or better term sneaking up on the vehicle.  The purpose of sneaking up is to go undetected until you reach the final destination.  It is a difference between hitting someone on purpose and having no clue that another officer was behind him.

If these were two white women in the car than I’m sure people would not be saying the same negative
bull, like the ones that have acted and behaved, so sickly and childish in these posts. It is one thing to have a civil debate, but to call someone a thug, criminal and all types of racial slurs is the reason why people are responding with hate in the face of this tragedy.  Wells Fargo already assumed that the suspects was black and they was up to wrong and had no articulate basis for being judge and jury at that time.  The officers did not even have a clue if he even knew the check was bad. He is dead now and can not speak for himself. However, the community is engaged to speak for him.

His family, friends, and those that have heard the news are here wanting answers. How many more do we have to lose over this silly rhetoric and racial discriminatory practices. It is one thing to disagree, but a mother and a father lost of a child. I could care less who you are, you deserve respect and dignity even in death. Even in centuries past, people would end a war for a number of days to show respect to even their fallen enemies. The responses here are hateful and appalling. However, I can guarantee while I’m back in town that no one makes those statements to my face, because it is too many cowards hiding behind internet lines.

The officers calling this proper procedure is rushing to judgment and making a naked assertion further devoid of the truth. If Omar Johnson was meaning to run over the officer behind him than it would be common sense to run over the officer pointing a gun directly at him.  He might have been attempting to flee and fleeing suspect but not a armed bank robber, but he did not fire one shot at the officer.  Mr. Johnson was not even armed.  This is the part of the argument that does not make the City of Norfolk, Va argument clear or justified. The man had no clue a police officer was behind him or near him. He was backing away from the gun and not trying to run over a police officer. I believe the media did a great job of twisting what happen in this scenario. However, I’m a lot smarter and I know way better. I still remember the officer being dragged by a car that shot the woman in Ocean view as she tried to elude a Norfolk, Va police officer that also had a warrant for her arrest. You settled with that white family.

To: Wells Fargo and City of Norfolk, Va Police Department

What would you do if you see a police officer with their guns drawn and you are not aware that a crime or offense had been committed. You would be backing up because you believe the cops was about to shoot someone else and would be trying to get out of the line of fire. Now, if you told Mr. Johnson and his girlfriend Ms. Hairston that the check was bad and police was on the way. It is a such thing as telling the car to stay there until police arrived because they would be under a citizens arrest, which anyone has the power to make when a felony is committed in their presence. However, this bank does not let the driver know and as a result he is dead. We do not know if he was running from the police or simply trying to get out the line of fire. Reminder: The bank did not disclose to the individual that the check was bad except that the computer was messing up! I want Justice for Omar and these cops should be indicted alongside the bank teller and bank for manslaughter at the least, and murder which is more appropriate.

I hope you come to terms City of Norfolk and get to work on handling things for this family. It is absolutely no excuse what happen to this young man. None! I am not rushing to judgment but I do not see anyone trying to run over a officer if they would have known one was behind them. Basically this young man was set up to be killed by the Norfolk, Va police department and its protocol.  This should have never happened. I am so sorry for the family. I am sitting here right now trying to keep peace and calm with this situation. I am deeply bothered and frustrated that our friends and family are being called home for tragedy and not celebration. I would never want to put this on any mother or father. I am just completely

When the media reports Ms. Hairston version of events.  It quickly stops at the part when she says Mr. Johnson panic.  I can explain the reason why because we would all panic or get out the way in this type of situation when we have no clue that a crime has been committed.  “We are trained when ambulance or police cars are in our path to do what, “move out the way and pullover to somewhere safe for our personal safety and to prevent property damage while government officials are in the line of duty and acting within the scope of their employment.!” states Merle Rutledge Jr in his hunt for justice for Joshua Omar Johnson.  Ask Farrakhan about anyone can look good or bad within a 30 second sound bite.

The cop empty out his magazine for suspicion of a bad check. I am going to empty my magazine of probable cause to know that these cops violated this man civil rights and will be held accountable for taking this man life because this is wrongful death. There is no excuse, not whatsoever! I am just in complete shock at the news reports coming out about this situation. I hope its a thorough investigation and the charges should be immediately dropped against the passenger involved. My facebook page is full of messages of support for Omar Johnson. This is not the way I wanted to return back to Norfolk, Va. The people at the bank should be held responsible.  They know good and well if this was a white family than they would havetold them that the check was bad and it was just a mistake first than sending officers to kill first.   There was no reason for guns to be drawn over a check issue.

Humbly Submitted,

Merle T. Rutledge Jr
Civil Rights Activist
Former Candidate for Mayor of the Town of Chatham, Va
Author and Political Blogger

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Former supervisor ‘forgiven’ for racial slur

Merle T. Rutledge Jr responds,

Also, Its not just Fred making these statements. Williie has a right
to speak on his own behalf. The use of the word did not just offend
the black community. It offended everyone that voted for Obama which
includes white voters in this area. These statements are happening all
across the country. To say that tempers are being flared just locally
minimizes the importance and definition of the meaning of unacceptable
behavior.   You have a right to say what you want, but you are
responsible for the consequences that come from your own statements.
The election is over and the people have spoken. It should have been
the end of it than, but Im sorry, no one in this room stirred up the
fire, it was all in Fred and Willie own doing. Willie is being paid for his public
relations work on this by BOS friends and affiliates. He has been being paid off for quite some time
so thats why Willie is not excused! Trust my anger with Fred is
nothing compared to what I think about slick “Willie T. Fitzgerald”,
NAACP president which he cited in a op ed in the Danville Register and Bee supporting possible future Uranium Mining in Pittsylvania Co, I mean Pittsylvania County NAACP President. Oops! The Virginia State chapter of the NAACP already has a proclamation that supports the ban on Uranium Mining for numerous reasons that Willie failed to mention.
The article should read Willie apologizes for Fred. Willie gets
appointed by the BOS to lots of committees, etc that pay him a
monthly stipend. He’s not likely to do anything to that will
compromise his bread and butter. Our opinions will evolve with more
information. However, its not my job to be eye to eye on everyone and
every issue. We all have to make the best decision without being
childish in our disagreement. We had a whole discussion on the issue
without calling each other kiddy or racial disparaging names. I have a
love for public service and my stereo types should not part of the
decision making process. I have watched every debate from Republican
to Democrat in our Presidential election. The behavior and rhetoric
was full of over generalizations mixed with hurtful statements about ethnic or social groups, every income class,
gender, immigration, gays, other than wealthy. However, there are many
white people, as well as other Pro American groups struggling to get bye every single day and we all, no
matter race, do not want to be just getting bye, but being able to
provide comfortably for all of our families. The use of hateful words is a natural
disaster in the form of words. Hurricane Sandy compared to the arguments on
race, which one would you consider to cause the most overall damage?
It is race. However, we all manage to come together when we need each
other, instead of us only coming together for unity and clarity of
each other. We owe each other more. This is America and we are all entitle to our beliefs, no
matter how repulsive it maybe. Fred Ingram is protected by the First
Amendment. However, I have the same rights to say what i want, but I
take responsibility and will even triple down on it, so people know, Im
not joking, but Im serious about my platform.

I do not care what race you are, any words to degrade your race in any
way is hateful and unacceptable in my book. I understand the reverse
discrimination argument and this is about wrong no matter what ethnic
group you recognize. I could care less where it came from and those
that try to put it in the paper that they forgive. They are ok to
forgive, but dont represent everyone else point of view. When you
commit a crime or wrongful act before a judge, you get punish. You can try to ask for forgiveness, but the penalty is there for those that try to use this as a defense to get out of any penalty. So to
say punishment is not warranted in some shape, form, or fashion,
especially in this area, is considered a double standard. There are
people in this area and all across Virginia that said they did not
come to me because they thought I would not address their issue
because they was from another race. I always tell anyone and everyone
that Im here for the people and not for one particular race. Wrong is
Wrong. I do not look at race as a guideline or requirement for my
support. I look at the issue and Im colorblind in my resolve.

We agree on the bad judgment on the use of words on the issue, but we
disagree on itsthe resolution. We all have someone in our family that
has done something wrong to someone. No one is immune to that
assertion, even though it appears to be naked and vague. The past is
the past. I thought as a nation that we might have moved forward, but
the process of this previous election, has made it clear that it is a
lot of work that has be done for Americans as a whole, in the
treatment of our neighbor and into the treatment of those that we may
not know. To assume is to make a fool out of ourselves. I prefer
facts and Im waiting on them to come, on any and every issue. I would
go to Fred Ingram, myself, and than defend than to go defend and not
even know the background from the person that caused the mess. I’m not going to ask anyone to be called a racist name and to say thats ok,
please feel free to do it again. Im sorry thats just not me at all.

What you might not know about Willie Fitzgerald is that
he is appointed to several Boards/Commissions for which
“community service” he receives monthly pay. It is shocking that
Willie is quick to pick up the phone to speak to Fred Ingram, but wont
even talk to or pick up the phone to talk to people about their
concerns in regards to the area.  I can name everyone that has called Willie to talk about a civil rights issue and he has never called back or even picked up the phone to hear their concerns.  However, his phone magically works for apology issues and BOS concerns.  You are the NAACP president for the BOS and not for the community.   Trust, I have personal experience, as well Willie!  There is a serious conflict of interest with you accepting any apology under these conditions.

Fred, your apology comes with a lame excuse that President Obama election cause your stock to plunge and lose a lot of money.  This is what happens when you place a bad bet.  Now you are losing more, over your antics and have nothing but yourself to blame.  A real apology would have included telling others not to follow suit all across America.  Your reaction is disease that has spreaded and your platform could do a lot to help mend fences.  However, I do not see you having any plans to stop others from doing it because it furthers your rhetoric without having any personal responsibility.  This is no apology that I will accept!  Read the bible and go to the part about faith without works section.  You can google it as well!

Also this is another letter by another concern citizen about Fred Ingram comments…

Posted: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 1:53 pm

To the editor,

I believe there are those rare events in life when a request for an
apology should not be so easily granted. Such is the case with the
recent incident involving Gretna resident Fred Ingram.

Most Americans over five years of age know the impact the N-word has
for many in our society based solely on the origin of the word.

Anyone, who uses the word in a public place in the year 2012, (even if
he owns the place) knows the import and the impact of the power of the

The fact that Ingram owed an apology to the woman who was offended by
his callous comment is clear.

Based upon what we learned from newspaper reports, the offered apology
was not initiated by Ingram.

Apparently, the woman shared her story with her boss who, in turn,
called Ingram and had him provide an apology via telephone.

Even the “public” apology was not initiated by Ingram but by several
members of the community who approached him and requested he make

At minimum, any apology should be one that is believed to be genuine
and heartfelt. At no point throughout this apology tour did it appear
Ingram led the effort.

It appeared he was reminded of the role he has played as a leader in
the community for many years and was given little choice but to submit
to those demanding the apology.

There are some who believe that requiring Ingram to make a “public”
apology” is synonymous with “calling-out” a bully or a R-word. I beg
to differ.

Why do we think it is necessary for a man to apologize for what is in
his heart; for what is a clear example of his long-held beliefs; and
is characteristic of his individual behaviors?

African Americans should, in addition to being guided by “the
Christian thing” to do in certain situations, remember the lessons of
nearly four centuries of American history.

In particular, we should remember the sheer significance of the grand
privilege it is to cast a vote in a free society.

This is especially true since it was the vote, cast many times over,
that determined our lowly condition in this country for more than
three hundred years.

Surely, we will never forget that people died to ensure our right to vote.

We saw during this political season how many state leaders want to
reduce our process of voting in America to that of a third world

This is especially important when you consider that the John Roberts’
Supreme Court has recently agreed to consider overturning a core part
of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

The vote that I cast for President Obama on Nov. 6, 2012, had a more
profound effect on me than the first vote I cast for him in 2008.

Like Ingram who worked to see his candidate get elected, I also worked
long and hard for the Obama campaign.

As a youngster coming of age in the 1950s and 1960s, I saw firsthand
how important the act of voting was for my parents.

The two votes that I was able to cast for Barack Obama – something I
never dreamed possible – will be something I will treasure for the
rest of my life.

Consequently, I will not readily excuse someone who essentially calls
me, and others, the N-word for simply casting a vote for the candidate
of our choice.

There were 64,498,468 people (50.8 percent) who voted for Mr. Obama to
the 60,298.998 (47.5 percent) for Romney.

The president carried not only the African American vote. He carried
the Asian, Jewish, Hispanic, women, and young vote. Do all of these
people fit the term Ingram describes?

I saw Ingram’s apology in the Danville and Chatham papers.
Unfortunately, the Star-Tribune included a misplaced photo op of the
four men involved in the making of the “public” apology.

What other U.S. newspapers received notification of this apology? What
about the apology for the other nearly sixty-four-and-a-half million
plus who voted for President Obama and who live outside the area
served by the local newspapers?

This sitting president has suffered more indignities, more disrespect
and more hate than any other in the history of the American

In fact, it has become fashionable to publicly state that you hope
someone will assassinate the president.

Moreover, it is apparently okay to volunteer for the assassination job
– even if you are someone sworn to protect the lives and property of

All decent Americans should openly denounce this type of appalling discourse.

Ingram should not be let off the hook so easily. If he can, over time,
demonstrate with his words, conduct and behavior that he is not the
person he appears to be, only then can he get a nod from me. I have
spoken with many others who hold the same view.

In the meantime, I would like to see our local clergy and NAACP
tackle, with the same level of swiftness, eagerness and zeal they gave
this incident, the real and critically important issues that currently
exist in the African American community.

Janie Clark Davis


Boycott this restaurant

Crossroads Restaurant owned by Fred Ingram

3700 Rockford School Road

Gretna, Virginia  24557



Thank you for your time,

Merle Rutledge Jr
Chatham, Va

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