
Posts Tagged ‘richmond’

Merle Rutledge Jr Video Response can be seen by clicking here https://fb.watch/5cbJQ7E2tA/

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Democratic Va Senator Louise Lucas and Former Governor McAuliffe need to tell the truth behind their agenda with the monument, BLM, and MLK Committee.  They showed up and helped orchestrate the mess that still has 19 + black men and women still having an arrest record so they could give all the black Democratic candidates the shaft.  A charge dismissal still shows up on your criminal record unless its expunged, which costs hundreds of dollars.  McClellan and Foy are 2 black women running for Governor of Virginia.  Was all of the mess in Portsmouth a political stunt to get a Mr. blackface friend elected? The black community needs to know she endorsed McAuliffe over all the Black DNC Candidates and threatened to have Democrat House of Delegatees Jenkins to recant his endorsement of Foy primaries and voted out in his election bid.  Lucas is hustling votes from the black community to get Mr. BLACKFACE friend elected.  Lucas appears to be using the black community to line her pockets while conning social justice activists. McAuliffe and Senator Lucas often made public appearances together at rallies for BLM, MLK Committee, and more after being charged with felonies by their participation in monument destruction. MLK and BLM received thousands of dollars in donations. Lucas landed new job on the McAuliffe campaign and more political capital, and Stoney rewarded his campaigns donors with a million dollar monument removal and high paying job on McAuliffe campaign. construction job. They all endorsed McAuliffe. They all helped in manufacturing news at a high cost to Portsmouth and Richmond taxpayers for their gain.

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The plot began by inviting BLM members and Monet Mayhem to a #2A rally in which alleged White Supremacists and more was suppose to be at and give the element of protecting gun rights. The event was preceded with the taking down of the American flag and held on the grounds of the Richmond State Capitol Grounds.

Mike Dunn that has been working with the Chase for Governor of Virginia campaign invited Amanda to speak at the event and also held a photo op. During the rally a Facebook live video would emerge with BLM members and affiliates with Amanda Chase moderating that they was peaceful protestors and that the liberal media was trying to pit people against each other. Standing right next to her was a felon with a firearm giving Republican Talking Points and trying to convey how wrong they have been treated. The video of that same felon threatening a Trump Supporter at the Lee Monument in Richmond, VA off Monument Ave can be seen by clicking here. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIZIqxTXFjg&t=5s)

The previous weeks before this July 4, 2020 #2A rally, Richmond riots had hit a fever pitch and only 100 yards away was tags of BLM, F12, and other inflammatory rhetoric against police plastered on churches and building right across the street. Mike Dunn was the host with Amanda Chase getting the necessary permits of the event. Video of this Facebook live can be found and seen on Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oQLoSsUjzw&t=196s

Shortly after the rally and photo op in Richmond July 4, 2020 #2A rally. Amanda Chase would post video of her conclusion of the meeting with BLM. Mike Dunn would form an unholy alliance with BLM leaders and plan further events that would eventually lead to future unrest in Richmond, Va. Antifa and other groups would join in the rallies that had been nicknamed #Fthecops, #FupRichmind, and more to clearly imply destruction and chaos was going to happen on nights listed on fliers. Mike Dunn would travel to Norfolk, Va BLM rallies with his Booglo Bois providing security for the marches. However, Mike Dunn would get caught fleeing from the Norfolk rallies after hearing name calling from protestors in the rally. The confrontation with the Richmond based civil rights members and a lady calling out Mike Dunn for fleeing Norfolk, Va under the claim they was there to provide security and fleeing the protest. By clicking below to see the video. (https://www.facebook.com/BLM757/videos/320616758971969

In between the time of the July 4, 2020 rally and to this present date. BLM leaders have supposedly been harrassed and intimidate by unsual actions and agents of the government as they claim. However, Mike Dunn doesn’t mention or state similiar actions have been applied by him. Even Monet Mayhem had an unusual encounter with a fake police officer threatening her over her reporting under the disguise that police needed information in regards to matters of her BLM reporting. Monet Mayhem is a well known personality in Richmond, Va that covers the news as a free lance journalist.

On July 25, 2020 another #Fthepolice rally was done. BLM757 and Mike Dunn claimed no responsibility for the event and outside groups had put out a fake flier that made it appear that BLM was hosting the event. BLM757 claimed to be present because they didn’t want to be affiliated with any riots or damage that resulted from the event. Mike Dunn ended up providing security for the protestors and not the police. Amanda Chase would claim her boots was on the ground for that event. After video surfaced and pictures of Mike Dunn yelling Fuck the Police leading a crowd of protestors. Amanda Chase would claim no association with Mike Dunn and he did not work on his campaign. Mike Dunn would repeat that same statement as Chase as him not being apart of the Amanda Chase campaign. However, Merle Rutledge would uncover video of Mike Dunn and Amanda Chase contradiction to include screen shots that they was associated with each other and actively being acquaintances on her campaign. Rutledge for Virginia Governor would post the video showing Mike Dunn own statement and past posts from events from Amanda Chase public official account showing that was a lie. The video can be watched here of Mike Dunn leading the protests and Amanda Chase statement on it after the fact disassociating with Mike Dunn. Click here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v72SeVx6XGI&t=42s

After this bad look on Amanda Chase by Mike Dunn. Amanda Chase would repeatedly state to her followers that she does not support BLM and that they are a terrorist group. Mike Dunn would double down his support for BLM. However Mike Dunn nor Amanda Chase would address their contradiction of their actions surrounding their involvement with BLM. As you can see in this video after the July 25, 2020 rally – https://www.facebook.com/watch/?ref=search&v=744373422976368&external_log_id=c007c5e4-786b-45c9-90d9-f27c89e87d21&q=mike%20dunn%20and%20blm

Moreover, Mike Dunn has never address Amanda Chase controversial statements or contradictions of her perception of Black Lives Matter. Even after Chase attacked Radford University President for allowing a BLM protest on his campus (Click herehttps://www.southwesttimes.com/2020/09/ru-president-supports-peaceful-protest-march/ . During this confrontation, Mike Dunn stayed silent and never once spoke on behalf of BLM to the public. However, BLM was bailing out Mike Dunn with citizens that was concerned and bringing up their issues with Aubrey Jones and Richmond based BLM. They ignored it and claimed that they vouched for Mike Dunn and supported him. However, Mike Dunn never confronted Amanda Chase about her statements against the very BLM leaders she slammed as being Anti American and Domestic Terrorists.

Mike Dunn to this day has not addressed Amanda Chase comments to include a fake political hoax that she claimed came from Chesterfield Police Department that put residents on high alert. After the Political Chase hoax, the police chief of Chesterfield denied any such conversation ever occurred with Amanda Chase (Click here – https://www.facebook.com/groups/617396659139807/permalink/654718162074323 ). The screenshots of the hoax can be found by clicking here from Amanda Chase ( https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=934765453633705&id=100013007770306 ) Mike Dunn stayed silent and never addressed the comments publically, but BLM kept bailing him out when it came to matters that he was tied to with them.

We then fast forward to the present, Mike Dunn goes to Newport News, Va and is arrested for openly carrying a firearm in a public park after refusing to comply with police demands to leave the park or put the firearm back in his car before entering. He refused and was arrested. Video of this incident can be watched by clicking here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfEjNb9fSBQ ) also present at this rally was BLM leaders in Virginia. As you can clearly hear in the video that he was ready to contact a Chase supporter lawyer Tim Anderson, whom is famous on social media for giving out #2A legal advice. After the arrest, he would post a special thank you and admit that he and Amanda Chase still kept in close communication with each other, even after they denied their association.

Mike Dunn posts pictures from that July 4, 2020 #2A rally in Richmond, Va showing the clear friendly nature of their association. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out after this blog, videos, screenshots, and more. The fools in this matter is BLM757 and those off brands in Richmond, Va leadership.

In conclusion – Aubrey Jones recent nightmare with the law. Click here ( https://www.facebook.com/groups/617396659139807/permalink/654718162074323 ) . Who is really taking up for him. Had BLM and the rest of the leftist groups leaders taken this e-mail seriously and blog by Merle Rutledge Jr. This blog could have save them some heartache and pain. Click here ( https://merletrutledge.wordpress.com/2020/07/27/rutledge-for-governor-sends-letter-to-call-for-investigation-of-amanda-chase-campaign-involvement-in-the-riot-of-july-25-20202-in-richmond-va/ ) . No one spoke up for Aubrey Jones after his arrest – not Mike Dunn or Amanda Chase. However, Amanda Chase spoke up for Mike Dunn, but no mention for Aubrey Jones. If BLM protestors wanted to know if they was following a fool. Aubrey Jones is just that fool!

After the protestors and rioters are all gone. Amanda Chase does a Facebook live clearly scared and worried at the Lee Statute off Monument Avenue in Richmond, Va trashing BLM again and talking about the chaos. No mention of her campaign staffer Mike Dunn was involved in the protests that helped cause the damage to the statute and destroy Richmond businesses. Merle Rutledge for Virginia Governor 2021 would post a video comparison with Amanda Chase live to show the stark differences. Click here ( https://www.facebook.com/merlerutledgeforuscongress/posts/1725184164286940 ). Mike Dunn never called her out on it, but BLM and other leftist groups get trashed by Amanda Chase for political points while supporters bash BLM and Antifa in their live feeds, but no mention of Mike Dunn.

Now her next distraction is trying to repair her reputation by hijacking #Bluelivesmatter movement ( https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/4/29/1853730/-Blue-Lives-Matter-Except-when-a-black-policewoman-told-this-entitled-state-senator-where-to-park ) … Also a Youtube video has come out on Amanda Chase not backing the blue by video and screenshots from her own posts ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jahAcySiTjU ). I guess the police in Amanda Chase opinion set her up on Northam N.C Beach trps during his stay at home order. She uses controversy to make people forget, but Patriots always remember who you really are! Also this article against BLM that Mike Dunn hasn’t called out Amanda Chase on ( https://chicago.suntimes.com/columnists/2020/6/10/21287246/republican-party-racism-fake-news-2020-presidential-election-lol-nothing-matters-amanda-chase ) . Yes GOP 2021 Candidate Amanda Chase raised money with a self confessed pedophile Ted Nugent and Mike Dunn, an opportunist #2A supporter that says Fuck Police played BLM757 and 804. Even a drug kingpin is smarter then Aubrey Jones if he didn’t figure this out. Why would Mike Dunn backed everything BLM stands against with Candidate Amanda Chase for Virginia Governor. It’s because of your vote – not your social justice issue.

Clean Energy also responded to requests did Amanda Chase take money from Soros backed group. The answer is yes and here is the company reply Click here ( https://www.cleanvirginia.org/clean-virginia-statement-on-senator-amanda-chase/ )

Now her attack is on Indians and Tribes for Columbus day. Read her e-mail to suppporters.

Last Friday, our failure of a Governor Ralph Northam unilaterally declared October 12 to be “Indigenous People’s Day” instead of Columbus Day. Once again Northam and the liberal Democrats abolishes another pillar of our great nation in order to kowtow to the Socialist/Antifa Left. 
When I am governor- I will abolish Indigenous Peoples’ Day and, on October 12 2022, celebrate both Columbus and America on the lawn of the Governor’s mansion!
If you are tired of our politicians being ashamed of our country please donate $10, $25, $50, or more right now!$10$25$50Indigenous People’s Day was first proposed by a left-wing Native American gathering in 1977. Instead of meeting on a reservation they came up with the idea in Geneva, Switzerland! The goal of the conference was not just to replace Columbus Day, no the true goal is to destroy the United States and give all of our land to Native Americans. Don’t believe me? Here are excerpts from the report of the gathering:
• that the right should be recognized of all indigenous nations or peoples to the return and control, as a minimum, of sufficient and suitable land to enable them to live an economically viable existence in accordance with their own customs and traditions, and to make possible their full development at their own pace. In some cases larger areas may be completely valid and possible of achievement;• that the ownership of land by indigenous peoples should be unrestricted, and should include the ownership and control of all natural resources…
Get it? According to the left-wing founders of Indigenous People’s Day Americans must forfeit the land our ancestors fought and died for and built into the greatest nation on Earth all because of white guilt. The report also calls for the US to classify the rise of our nation as “genocide.”
To be clear:Numerous studies illustrate the overwhelming majority (80%+) of the original inhabitants of the Americas were killed by lack of disease immunity and the resulting society collapse NOT European violence.For the vast majority of human history nations grew through conquest, America is not any other nation in this regardThe only genocide the US has participated in started in 1973 when the Supreme Court allowed babies to be slaughtered in utero after the Roe v Wade court decision.Indigenous People’s Day is a fraud pushed by pseudo-communists intent on destroying our country!
Unlike the spineless politicians in our state, I’m grateful Columbus discovered America, I am proud to be American, I will never apologize for our state or country, and I will ensure we don’t teach our children to apologize for their existence! 
If you are also a patriotic American give $5, $10, $25, or more!
Make no mistake, the goal of those controlling useful idiots like Ralph Northam and Joe Biden is to remake our country into a socialist nightmare. To achieve their goal, they will attempt to indoctrinate our children from cradle to grave in white guilt and critical race theory. It all starts small because they are playing a long game, first they change a holiday then a committee to “study” an issue like reparations is announced. Their end goal is forced land transfers backed by the might of the government!
Are we going to let this happen in our country?
NO! I promise will do everything in my power to ensure that our children inherit a country that is still America and not a pale imitation of the Soviet Union! The time is NOW to wake up, stand up, and fight back!
Join me in the fight! Give $50, $100, $250, or more right now!
In Liberty,Quick Link: https://secure.anedot.com/chase-for-governor/columbusdayLike us on FacebookVisit our websiteFollow us on Twitter Authorized and Paid for by Chase for Governor
Trusted Email from Constant Contact - Try it FREE today.

Vote Merle Rutledge Jr for Virginia Governor

http://www.rutledgeforvagovernor.com for proven leadership that doesn’t sell you out.

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When Amanda Chase says she will take money from anyone. Believe her! She recently did a #Savethechildren event but failed to mention she did a fundraiser with self admitted pedophile Ted Nugent. She will save whatever for a price like she did VCDL for 20000 then became an outspoken #2A advocate. Now she’s trying to be your next Virginia Governor! How much will she sale out Virginia for!

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Pictured above, Danville, Va Police Officer E.K Thompson.  The Danville, Va Street Crimes Unit officer and supervisor is currently being sued in federal court for excessive force and refusal to provide medical treatment to man in his custody named Michael Elder.  However, E.K Thompson has had a history of illegal searches and seizures and on Appeal in the Virginia Court of Appeals case TYRONE JUNIOR MCCAIN v. Record No. 071189 OPINION BY JUSTICE S. BERNARD GOODWYN COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA April 18, 2008. Justice S. Bernard Goodwyn wrote, “A person’s Fourth Amendment rights are not lessened simply because he or she happens to live or travel in a ‘high crime’ area.” He noted that Supreme Court precedent requires specific suspicion of an individual before a search can be conducted. Also, this article will discuss the opinions in the Alvin Cooper vs Officer Worsham (E.K Thompson past partner) case decided in Danville, VA Federal Court. My article takes a look at three distinct cases and the justices opinion presiding over each case which has already been decided with the one currently pending in Danville, Va Federal Court. You will notice the similarities between the accusations and the officers that faced negative outcome for their part in an ongoing criminal investigation and disposed of litigation.

The case which is pending in Danville, Va Federal Court that was filed by plaintiff Michael Elder. The U.S Federal Judge Kiser states in the defendant’s summary judgment opinion response, that was grant in part and denied in part, “Second, Elder did not pose an “immediate threat to the safety of the officer [] or
others . . . .” Id. In fact, according to Elder, he was not resisting Thompson at all; rather, he was
pleading with him to look at the papers from the Martinsville court which, presumably, would
have showed that the “warrant” did not exist. (Elder Aff. pg. 2.) Moreover, even if I accept
Thompson’s version of the facts, Elder was only “passively resisting” by “stiffening up like a
board.” (Thompson Aff. pg. 3.) He was not forcibly resisting the arrest, thrashing about, or
doing anything that could have resulted in injury or danger to Thompson, let alone either of the
other two people present. At most, if Elder was “stiffening up like a board,” he was causing a
minor inconvenience to Thompson by “refusing to allow [Thompson] to move him.” (Thompson
Aff. pg. 3.)

     Finally, Elder was not “actively resisting arrest or attempting to evade arrest by flight.”
Graham, 490 U.S. at 396. At the time Thompson slammed Elder into the cruiser door and
deployed pepper spray, knee-nerve strikes, and the blows to Elder’s head (see Elder Aff. pg.
2−3), Elder was in custody and standing passively by the police cruiser. Again, even accepting
Thompson’s version of the facts, Thompson does not contend that Elder was “actively resisting
arrest.” 10
10 Thompson states in several places that Elder was only passively resisting. (See, e.g., Thompson Aff.
pg. 3.) John Combs, however, makes the unsubstantiated assertion that Elder actively resisted arrest.
(See Def.’s Br. Ex. D. pg. 5 (“Even when Elder was subsequently handcuffed, he continued to actively
resist the officer’s efforts to control him and continued to pose a safety risk if he was able to escape the
officer’s control.”).) Because the decision of whether qualified immunity applies is a purely legal
question, see Willingham v. Crooke, 412 F.3d 553, 555 (4th Cir. 2005), Combs’s opinion is not relevant
at this stage and will not be considered.
See Graham, 490 U.S. at 396. Given the “totality of the circumstances,” Garner, 471
U.S. at 8−9, it is difficult to conclude that, based on Elder’s version of the events, Thompson was
acting within the bounds of a reasonable officer under the circumstances

In regards to Michael Elder’s excessive force claim.  U.S Federal Judge Kiser stated in his opinion, ” Finally, Thompson incorrectly claims that Elder has not presented any evidence of his
injury, nor has he shown any proximate cause connecting his injuries to Thompson’s use of
force. To the contrary, in his Amended Complaint, Elder presented discharge papers from a
physician diagnosing him with “bilateral pepper spray irritative conjunctivitis,”
“contusions/abrasions,” and “HTN-exacerbation.” (Am. Compl. Ex. C.) Additionally, Elder was
referred to Dr. Robert Goodnight for a follow-up, and to Dr. Terry Odom to “recheck on pepper
spray injury to eye.” (Id.) Clearly there is evidence in the Record to establish that Elder suffered
an injury, and that a physician concluded that the injury was caused by exposure to pepper
spray.  The fact that the diagnosis came only hours after Thompson deployed pepper spray in
Elder’s face is clear evidence of proximate causation. Therefore, Thompson is not entitled to
summary judgment on this claim

Michael Elder vs. E.K Thompson of the Danville, Va Police Department is scheduled for trial on May 22, 2014.  Michael Elder filed a police complaint tow days after this incident. Video should have been present in regards to this complaint. However, the City of Danville, Va claims no video exists from E.K Thompson. The City of Danville has admitted that officer Thompson was working on the Street Crimes Unit the night of this event unfolding. Chief Broadfoot of the Danville, Va Police Department claims in the Danville, Va Register and Bee newspaper that, When we do a consensual encounter of someone we see at a known drug house, we record that so if there is a question about whether the interaction is improper we’ll be able to know that and take action,” Broadfoot said, “If someone makes a complaint about the officer’s behavior and questions the interaction, we can pull the video and look at it and find out why.”

Broadfoot said while he has received very few complaints, he has received complaints that what an officer did was contrary to what the law allows. Upon investigating those claims, he said what normally happens is what the complainant believes the law allows — and what is actually allowed — are completely different.

The recorded interactions are beneficial in situations like that because video is available which allows him to see exactly what happened. Broadfoot said he has not been able to sustain any of those complaints because there is video to show the officer acted appropriately.

However, no video exists of this incident with Michael Elder and Officer Thompson and under their old policy the video should have existed for at least 30 days after the incident before it could be destroyed. So how did Chief Broadfoot miss this incident, unless it was intentionally done based off the reason Michael Elder cites in his complaint.

Merle T. Rutledge Jr will be blogging about any and all updates in regards to this trial as it happens.




2) The second case decided by the Virginia Court of Appeals. In the early morning hours of August 9, 2005, Officer
R.V. Worsham (“Worsham”), of the City of Danville Police
Department, observed a vehicle (“the vehicle”) parked in front
of a house on Sublett’s Alley in the City of Danville. The
two occupants of the vehicle walked up to the house in front
of which the vehicle was parked and, in less than a minute,
returned to the vehicle. Worsham was familiar with the house
because he was involved in a transaction “months” earlier in
which an informant made a controlled purchase of cocaine

Worsham obtained Hartman’s
information and went back to his car to check her driver’s
license and to call for “back-up” assistance. When the vehicle left, Worsham followed in his police
vehicle. Worsham observed that the vehicle’s rear license
plate had a plastic border that covered the expiration date of
the license plate. He intended to stop the vehicle for that
reason, but “before [he] could get to it to stop it for that,
it was [improperly] backing out into North Main Street.”
Worsham initiated a traffic stop. Worsham stopped the vehicle
within sight of the house where Worsham had first seen the

When Officer E.K. Thompson (“Thompson”), which is the same officer being sued by Michael Elder in Danville, Va Federal Court, arrived on the scene, Worsham explained to him
what had occurred and asked Thompson to watch the passenger
side of the vehicle while Worsham got the driver out. Thompson went to the passenger side of the car and asked McCain to exit the car. Thompson asked McCain if he could
perform a “frisk” or “pat-down” search on McCain. Up to that
point, McCain had complied with every request made by the
officers. McCain declined to give Thompson permission for the
search. However, Thompson ordered McCain to place his hands
on the vehicle and performed a pat-down search on him.

The appeals majority opinion states, “Although he
may have appeared to be nervous, McCain identified himself
when requested, did not make any furtive movements, and
cooperated with the police officers until Thompson asked
permission to do a pat-down search.
The Supreme Court’s decision in Terry does not permit a
generalized policy that authorizes a police officer to frisk
all persons. The totality of the circumstances, namely, the
time of day, the location in a “high crime” area, and the factthat Worsham had months earlier conducted a controlled cocaine
purchase from the house McCain visited on Sublett’s Alley, did
not create reasonable suspicion sufficient to justify
detaining and frisking McCain. No additional circumstances
developed during the course of the traffic stop that would
support a reasonable suspicion that McCain was involved in
criminal activity or was armed and dangerous. Therefore, we
hold that McCain was seized and frisked in violation of his
rights under the Fourth Amendment, and his motion to suppress
should have been granted.
Because the evidence seized from McCain should have been
suppressed, there would be insufficient evidence to sustain
convictions for possession of cocaine with intent to
distribute and the related firearms and weapons offenses.
Accordingly, we will reverse the judgment of the Court of
Appeals, vacate McCain’s convictions, and dismiss the
indictments against him.

However, it appears that Danville, Va Police Officers are ordering people to get out their car for very minor traffic infractions and also turning off the video camera in order to conceal actual evidence of what occurs during an arrest.

3. We go to case held IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA DANVILLE DIVISION ALVIN COOPER, Plaintiff, v. R.V. WORSHAM, et al., Defendants. In this case Alvin Cooper was pulled over for having a air freshener hanging from his window. What happen after this fact is disputed. U.S Federal Judge Kiser states, “In this light, Cooper did not give consent to be searched, but was ordered out of the vehicle and searched despite his original protest. The video is ambiguous as to this fact. Though it could support Defendants’ interpretation of the facts, it could just as easily support Cooper’s. This is a question of credibility which is tailor-made for a jury. As I discussed in my prior Memorandum Opinion, liability may be found for this non-consensual
search, and recovery is not barred by qualified immunity. Defendants have supplied a video recording of the traffic stop taken by the camera on the police cruiser’s dashboard. This camera records when the cruiser’s flashing lights are turned on. Unfortunately, the video does not have any sound. It cuts off before Cooper’s actual handcuffing.

Lastly, based off these three cases a possible pattern of illegal search and seizures, video evidence being tampered with and destroyed, and excessive force has been a rampant issue with Danville, Va Police Department officers and begs the question of why are these officers still on the job unless Chief Broadfoot is accepting of not having a fair and impartial investigation to explain its condonation.

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Real Racism

     Real Racism
A lot of times when a race issue comes up then it is really the media creating the controversy. I know of people from all races that have supported the black community and it’s families in the Trayvon Martin case, Marissa Alexander case, Michael Elder case and Michael Dunn’s killing based off Stand your Ground laws and Police Brutality. The media has not pointed out that much,. That even our own kind, has successfully been acquitted by the same laws over senseless acts of violence that did not have to take a gun to resolve, but cooler heads willing to talk instead of shoot would have been a better compromise.
Firstly, it is rare for the media to point the camera on the other races that show up at these rallies, vigils, and marches of injustice that may be done on behalf of a particular family seeking justice which race may be opposite of those in the crowd. It is being done on purpose and through what I call media segregation. It is being done to make us to believe that we are the only ones that care about our own kind and that is simply not true. It is their meaning select media’s job and directives to make it a black and white issue to manufacture its own story of controversy, when in all actuality it is a multi-cultural issue that people feel justice was not done and has yet to be fulfilled in the cases I have mention previously in this article. We always will continue to have media spin doctors to put stories in their view and does not reflect the real issue at hand.
Furthermore, you will notice on Facebook and on other media and blog websites that there are derogatory, defamatory, and racially insensitive dumb comments to blend in with the articles on what they view as a race related injustice. We should all want the same thing justice. No matter our personal prejudice, bias, or opinion, the goal for everyone should be seeking justice through innocence, not guilty, or with guilt. We all have been or known victims. They may not look like us, but we feel and pray that they can have closure during a time of great crisis. Moreover, there fight is still our fight, but a coward does not even deserve a piece of the sidewalk.
Secondly, during my return to Norfolk, I have enjoyed the meetings with civic leaders and with people of many different backgrounds. The problems of the City continue to exist, but there is more of a will for people to keep moving foward and not backwards. This was demonstrated through a revived energy of leadership before, during and after the election. Michael J. Muhammad has proven that he is the leadership and the voice of the black community. In order for Mayor Fraim to effectively take on the issues that we have in our City is by seeing, knowing, and proving that our leadership exists that is unwavering and that example was what he faced during his re-election campaign. There is no way Mayor Fraim can avoid, ignore, or dismiss the black community, because our voice is loud and clear. The media comes to Mr. Michael J. Muhammad for the response to racial injustice in the City and rarely do I hear a group that he has to represent for, because he represents the whole community. We are always proud to hear his answer represents us and not protective and protracted statements that lets injustices get off the hook. He is the leadership that is no longer in crisis.
Thirdly, All black people do not hate white people because it is false. All white people do not hate black people because that’s false. It is always someone on your side on any point of view that you can imagine. It may not be the people you expect that will be on your side, this is true. Furthermore, I am the prime example of finding out how many people that I never thought, knew, or had the privilege of meeting that I would find out was on my side. They paid more attention to my character and the issues that I address before making an informed decision about me. I encourage them to do the same for others and continue the quest of knowledge of an issue and not ignorant of the lack of in their own disposition of others.
Moreover, I spoke with one of my professors before coming to the area. I take her words very seriously and sometimes I need to have that reality check. She said I was arrogant and had a “I do not give a fuck attitude.” This was not a complete assessment of who I am, but who I was starting to become. I was letting my enemies begin to win when I already had them losing.
Accordingly, I had to go back to what I love instead of embracing the confrontation to take on hate. A good teacher, mentor, or person that has taken on that role of guidance will continue to mold me for a bigger purpose and that is all that I hope that everyone has a opportunity to find. The definition of being what you want to become and not what other’s hope that they can destroy.
Lastly, I am happy to be here and look forward to meeting and saving the best for last because the work will continue forward. Do not let the hate that comes from a few address an entire population. Put your shoes on the other foot, the race is irrelevant. The question that I ask everyone is how would you feel if the same injustice happen to someone that you loved? The answer should be the same that should be given to others and be committed to actions that create justice and not silence. Everyone that you think hates you is making you out to be a lie, because it is no truth in that statement. Whether it be God or someone you may or may not know, it is always someone that loves you!
Article written by Merle T. Merle Rutledge Jr

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VA should Amend Drug Test for Rich people and Corporations that receive Tax Cuts or Government Subsidies

VA should Amend Drug Test for Rich people and Corporations that receive Tax Cuts or Government Subsidies

I see everyone argument and this is a dicisive issue. However, there is no difference between welfare for rich and middle and low income people. There is no difference about welfare; which is produced by state and local governments. In order, for a lot of businesses during this time to stay afloat. Businesses have to apply for welfare from the state and local government. The welfare consists of tax subsidies, grants, and cuts. The business does not have to give the government any money, but they are taking funds from the government.

The constitution has a Equal Protection Clause that is there to make sure all people are treated fairly and they are placed under the same scrutiny as others similarly situated. The laws of the United States of America is meant to protect the people. Welfare is not exclusively meant for parents but is meant for children expense and needs. Welfare is meant to help parent raise their children in most cases. Should the children suffer because of the parent habits and questionable decisions. I do not think so, because kids are innocent from others actions unless they are involved in activity which would compromise their own welfare. The kid does not have drugs in their system should not suffer. Instead children should be allowed to have any welfare benefits which is available for those in dire situations. A child has the right just like any law abiding citizen. They should not have to be agitated, angry, and hungry in America. The crime rate would go up to astronomical proportions if this drug testing law is passed. However, If Virginia and States wants to go this far to place regulation on citizens that reside in their terrorities.

The public and private sector job creators should be subject to the same testing as required in this bill; including, the Virginia General Assembly elected officials. Furthermore, the drug testing law for welfare would be hard to pass on a Constiutional standard because of this kind of amendment, because our pubic elected officials will have immunity and I do not think failing a drug test would warrant the overturning of legislative immunity. Virginia has a clause when dealing with children. States are suppose to believe in the phrase, “What is in the best interest of the child.” I do not believe starving children because of the parent’s conduct warrants such cruel and unusual punishment towards a child. The problem is that children would need a guardian at litem or some outsider controlling how the money is spent.

Advocates of cutting government spending would be looking at extra expenses. A lot of legal and administrative costs the state will have to pay to implement Drug test Welfare law. The law in my opinion is broad, arbitrary, and conpricous. The system would systematically any person and government aware of people personal lives without a warrant. If States are going through people body which is mandatory through the passage of this Welfare law, than they will make it further into your bedroom. A lot of people wouldn’t have their bedroom or private activities exposed. People and Employers which receives government assistance would have so many cobweb and skeletons coming out of their closet.

The ability to maintain privacy through the law for recreational activies would be diminish significantlly. This would make anyone think twice about having their company affiliated with a business that does not agree with their personal life style. A drug is legal and illegal. Abuse of any drug is illegal. The ability to measure abuse with drug use is possible and the expense should be forwarded to the State.

The current standards for welfare is fine in its implementation. If lawmakers decide to add to the requirement than they should prepare to give up some freedom in the process. I believe the law is an huge invasion of privacy. Our basic rights will continue to erode at the passage of this bill. Anytime, citizen or business can be on welfare and dependent of the government in which it claims does to much or too little for people than they should be willing to reimburse the government for its expenses. If the company doesn’t have the ability to pay back the government for all cuts, subsidies and grants in which they received, than all executives, managers, and decision makers should be tested for drugs yearly. I can only imagine the surprise of the results. If anyone is ok right now are a doctor’s bill or emergency room visit away from being on welfare and being apart of the very system in which they condemn. I believe this bill is meant to target low income and unemployed people.

The bill introduced by Margaret Ransone has no provision for corporation, businesses, and organization that receive assistance from any state, federal, or local government. The Welfare drug law should target the businesses that take subsidies, tax cuts, and more. All these different mechanisms to take away entitlements to people that need welfare is unconstitutional. It isn’t a business money being paid in taxes, but the government them a break from paying taxes. I believe people who get tax cuts should be under the microscope of drug testing for buying a home or investing in a government sponsored program should be subject to the drug test law in order to extend any cuts. If the drug test is failed by anyone in America than they should not be allowed to garner any breaks from the government. The government should not these people to receive any tax credit. For example: charities, donations, or any type of funds used during time a person files taxes for a deduction.

Their tax deduction should be eliminated. This law would cause the world to explode in riot from the amendments mentioned in this blog. Even rich people and corporations do not like outsiders or government in their business. Hopefully, if they pass this law than all that condemn it has to be place under the same microscope. I believe all people that receive any type of tax cut or credit should be subject to random drug testing and not just those that didn’t get the extra assistance that these rich people and corporations get from the government. Welfare is Welfare. If you receiving any tax cut, deductioni, or government break from paying for anything than you are on welfare. I guess this law should be a nationwide law in which we walk around as Zombies getting tested. If the lawmakers amended the law than they would have everyone making over 250,000 marching outside of Richmond, Va asking the government to leave them alone.

This is just my two cents. I see some possible violations of the U.S Constitution 8th cruel and unusual punishment, 4th amendment unlawful search and seizures, failure of due process, invasion of privacy. This law should include college students as well. Some actually recieve government welfare assistance for decades. A law that can not be enforce unilaterally to all that governed under it. Than people that receive some form of assistance by this from the government is really participating in a unconstitutional law, for the purpose of political posturing. The law appears to be based off communist propaganda. This is socialism under Karl Marxx model. The marginalization, seperation of people, and forming a society is at this law feet for a theory to become a worldwide phenomenon. The Distribution of Wealth

The biggest distribution of wealth really comes from poor people to businesses known as job creators and the U.S federal, state, and local government. A tax, subsidies, grants, etc that the businesses and government receive from poor people. A lot of businesses would be out of business if it wasn’t for the government sending them a check yearly. The same thing as people being put out their homes if they wasnt receiving unemployment and other benefits in order to cushion the blow of the recession. If someone keeps saying a line over and over again than eventually some people will believe it. This is shallow part of thinking and I rather stick into the deep end and lift all the pillows and covers of the businesses and U.S governments bed of cash. The only people that really have a distribution of wealth argument is middle and low income people.

The benefits that really paid is really a refund and not a handout. For example: Gov Mcdonnell proposed giving colleges in the state a extra 100 million in financing. This is a distribution of wealth as well as government aided assistance which is tantamount to welfare. Just because a artist paints a copy of a picture doesnt mean it is real. This is just a picture that some people in partisan politics would like for you to receive. For all the low and middle class people in the area and throughout America. Walk around with your head held high and with a huge smile on your face. It is because of you that everyone is wealthy and doing okay in the recession. You have done your job and it is time for others to start doing theirs and if not than kick them out. It is your money keeping them in. Michelle Bachmann family was able to run a clinic with welfare from the government in the form of a grant. A earmark that some e complain about is causing higher deficits is welfare for those projects (state/federal/local) including businesses. If someone needs proof of the American People distributing wealth than look at your tax stub. Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are more wealthy than any Presidential candidate and believe that the rich and businesses are not doing their part in fixing America.

It is about time to give them the argument that they can not overcome and that is the American people is your safety net. Also, I think it is in the government best interest to drug tax everyone including job creators at their top executive positions to see if they are receiving government money while doing drugs. Also what drugs are going to be classified as illegal. Their are prescriptions drugs that has components of illegal drugs. I would love to see the day that a government representative went to a company that receives any type of government assistance to drug test the executives. This is when you really see people run to Capitol Hill protesting the drug tests while they think it was ok as long as they was testing the real job creators. The American Taxpayers!

Also, legislatures across the country have a issue with drug testing because they would be affected with them to, and if they didnt have anything to hide, than why did one legislature pull the bill from being voted on officially. The state is Indiana, where the legislature is predominantely Republican. Also a Republican introduce a similar bill as well. So if you have a problem with the drug testing law than tell your local legislatures that are represented in state government that it is time to say goodbye and also send the same message to Margaret Ransone in her hopes of becoming another Republican star at her own expense. Also send her a tax notice that is stamped with bigotry for party over the American people.

Also, below is the Virginia Governor Bob Mcdonell response to this blog post from a email.

Message from the Office of the Governor CRM:0023568


The Office of the Governor


Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 3:00 PMTo: Merle Rutledge <merletrutledge@gmail.com>

Governor McDonnell has asked me to respond on his behalf to your email regarding drug testing of individuals applying for public assistance.  I hope the following information is helpful to you.

In order to require drug testing, the Code of Virginia must be changed.  Senate Bill 781 was introduced in the 2011 session of the General Assembly to require drug testing for participants in the Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare (VIEW) Program.  However, SB 781 did not pass (http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?ses=111&typ=bil&val=SB781).   Similar legislation introduced in 2008, 2009 and 2010 also failed to pass.   During this 2012 General Assembly session, a number of bills have been introduced in both the House and Senate to require drug testing:  HB 73, HB 221, HB 249, HB 598 and HB 955, and SB 6, SB 83 and SB 318.  You can follow the progress of these bills at http://lis.virginia.gov.

Thank you for writing and sharing your thoughts and concerns.  If you have further questions, please contact Mark L. Golden, Economic Assistance and Employment Program Manager, Virginia Department of Social Services, at (804) 726-7385 or by e-mail at mark.golden@dss.virginia.gov.

William A. Hazel, Jr., M.D.

Secretary of Health and Human Resources

1111 East Broad Street

Richmond, Virginia 23219

Please do not reply to this e-mail address.

Replies sent to this e-mail address will NOT be read.

To send a reply, please use the contact form on the Governor’s website, located at


Merle Rutledge Jr

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